Middle Django Backend Developer

Education Ecosystem (LEDU)
Education Ecosystem
2 min readMay 23, 2018

Education Ecosystem (LiveEdu) — Kiev

Education Ecosystem (LiveEdu) is seeking an experienced Middle Django Backend Developer.

Requirements & Responsibilities

  • 2 or more years with Django building Django projects. Candidate is required to have at least experience with building one big Django web application. The application can be B2C or B2B applications that are being used by users.
  • Fluency working with Django. You’ll have to maintain old Django 1.6 project (not actively developed, we’re just migrating legacy code piece by piece), and develop new ones in Django 1.11.
  • Experience with using most the of the commons Django apps that help Django engineers build projects faster.
  • Python engineering experience, including familiarity with Python 3 (we use 2.7 and 3.6).
  • Overall familiarity with mainstream modern front-end technologies (JavaScript, React, Redux, Redux-Saga). You will be working on backend, not full-stack and won’t need to actively write React code, but it would be awesome if you know it, and can look up things or make small changes without having to wait for frontend team.
  • Some Go (Golang) knowledge. It is not required but is a plus. While almost everything we have is in Python, we also have a few small self-contained microservices written in Go, e.g. for thumbnail generation.
  • Familiarity with Docker, Docker Compose and Docker Swarm. Experience with other containerization and orchestration technologies is always a plus.
  • Experience working with PostgreSQL, Redis and ElasticSearch. Basic knowledge of their administration and maintenance — you don’t have to be a hardcore DBA, but you should know how to e.g. make backups or how to generally approach those to if something goes wrong.
  • Reasonable proficiency with GNU/Linux (we use Ubuntu Server) system administration.
  • Basic familiarity with blockchain-based cryptocurrency technologies is a plus. In particular it’s great if you already know how to run Ethereum node and interact with smart contracts.

Only apply if you:

  • Have an entrepreneurial mindset.
  • Are comfortable working in a fast-paced environment where hustling is the motto: speed is a key ingredient of our company culture.
  • Are comfortable working independently without much guidance.
  • Are eager to take responsibility and develop yourself.

What we offer

  • Opportunity to work with a fast-growing US education blockchain start-up.
  • Your career trajectory is in your own hands.
  • Opportunity to sometimes work from our European office and travel through European cities.
  • Flat hierarchy and ability to progress fast in the company based purely on performance.
  • Opportunity to work with a diverse set of team members from around the world.
  • Attractive salary, bonus and LEDU token package.
  • Highly professional and creative working environment.
  • Possibility to be a part of the education blockchain revolution.

Apply for this job by sending your resume, cover letter, references, Skype ID and phone number to: jobs@education-ecosystem.com



Education Ecosystem (LEDU)
Education Ecosystem

Education Ecosystem (LEDU) is a decentralized project-based learning platform that teaches people how to build tech products, https://www.educationecosystem.com