Zhenhan Yu and Cherry Chen Join Education Ecosystem As China Product Marketers

Education Ecosystem (LEDU)
Education Ecosystem
2 min readApr 9, 2018

Education Ecosystem is today welcoming two new members to help with marketing our first product LiveEdu, to the people of Asia — where one of our largest userbases is located. Zhenhan Yu and Cherry Chen are joining the ecosystem as China Product Marketers. They will be focused on marketing and selling LiveEdu projects to professionals and students across China. They will work to acquire Chinese project creators as well as market these projects to eager learners. In addition, they will assist with product PR and building partnerships with education companies.

Zhenhan Yu is based in Fujian and was a contributor during our ICO. His interest in the project and willingness to contribute was evident from the beginning and we are proud to have him join the Education Ecosystem as a team member. Zhenhan has a background in Law including a Master’s degree from the University of Texas, but has spent most of his career as an education consultant, facilitating relationships between Chinese students and American universities. He has also taken a keen interest in the cryptocurrency markets over the last few months, giving him a unique perspective of how the Education Ecosystem and our LiveEdu product can be grown in China.

Cherry Chen

Cherry Chen has over 3 years of experience in tech PR and online marketing. She has written and published articles in major Chinese publications such as Pingwest, TechOrange, CNBlog and CocoaChina. Her marketing experience will be pivotal to creating the right message to reach project creators and viewers across China. Cherry will also be heavily involved in the translation of English articles to Chinese and partnership outreach.

The addition of these two individuals will help to improve the quality and diversity of the Education Ecosystem as we work to build the world’s largest project learning library for future technologies, decentralized on the blockchain.

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Education Ecosystem (LEDU)
Education Ecosystem

Education Ecosystem (LEDU) is a decentralized project-based learning platform that teaches people how to build tech products, https://www.educationecosystem.com