Teaching the Importance of Self-Education in Educational Institutions

Creating life-long learners.

Dedrick Conway


Photo by Roman Mager on Unsplash

Although millions of excellent educational institutions worldwide have successful numbers and students, there is still an essential component of education most schools do not emphasize and teach students. That component is self-education. All students receive a formal education which means students are taught by trained instructors using curriculums, assignments, and standardized tests. But once a student is out in the real world, there are no tutors, teachers, peers, or professors to help or teach them. They will have to self-educate themselves.

What is Self-Education?

Self-education means education through one’s efforts instead of being taught by a trained professional or instructor. This means an individual uses common sense, creativity, base knowledge, educational material, resources, and experiences to become more intelligent and educated. In doing so, people educate themselves by learning through observation and experimentation through various mediums.

In Students’ Self-Education: Learning to Learn Across the Lifespan, Sagitova states:

“The major task of modern education is to actively involve students in self-education process and encourage their…



Dedrick Conway

Dedrick C. is a serial entrepreneur, indie author, ghostwriter, and artist expressing his perspectives through evocative literary artistry. Top writer in Art!