The Unbearable Sameness of Online Meetings

Why doing everything online might make it harder to keep things straight.

John Paul Minda


My converted spare room home office and near-constant companion, Peppermint the cat.

Have you been working from home since March? Are you enjoying it or are you missing your old workplace? Are you are also starting to notice a monotony that seems to lead to mild memory confusion? I am. In this post, I want to explore how and why doing everything online might make it harder to keep things straight.

Zoom Takes Over

In 2020, many of us learned to work from home. The novel coronavirus that caused COVID-19 also caused a shift in how a lot of us worked. Across the world, many teachers, tech workers, knowledge workers, people in media, and people in business began working from home and began holding meetings on video meeting platforms like Zoom, Skype, or MS Teams. For many of us, it represented a significant shift in how we did our work, even though much of the content work stayed the same.

At first, this was as novel as anything else. I liked writing from home, and I converted the spare bedroom into an office.

Great, I thought. We’ll get through this. More than 7 months later I’m not sure. There have been more than enough essays on Zoom fatigue, the challenges of spotty internet, tips for better meetings, and Zoom etiquette. I…



John Paul Minda

Author and Professor of Psychology at Western University. I write about Cognitive Science, Psychology, and Higher Education.