Limits vs. Human Body

The Human body is capable of amazing feats which it does without any external interference be it re-growing organs like liver or regular maintenance like the replacement of dead skin cells, but like every system it has it limits. There is only so much that the human body can do, perceive or tolerate e.g. the hearing limit of approx 20 KHz. This same limit is applicable to everything in the human body: there are some parts that once damaged stay damaged and there are some that bounce right back. Burns are of largely four degree of burns starting from First Degree which cause minimal skin damage through Second and third degree burns that cause damage to the dermis and subcutaneous tissue respective, fourth degree burns that could cause damage to muscle and bones which largely has no feeling due to damaged nerve endings. The bodies reaction depends upon the degree of the burn, if first degree and second to an extent the body can heal itself without much external influence but if the burn spreads to the dermis or beyond that like in a third degree burn external interference is needed like applying skin grafts and giving the person fluids as during burns the fluid loss in a body can lead to shock and in some cases death. Yet there are limitations, in case of greater degree burn where the muscles and bones are affected extreme measures have to be taken to keep the person alive. In some cases in the process of removing the damaged areas whole limbs might have to be removed. The healing process of full thickness burns (Third Degree or more) often leads to scarring and requires surgeries like skin grafting with large amount of IV fluid as during burn there is a lot of fluid leakage. Apart from burns the further complications from burns are brought on by infections or tetanus. As with every system the limits of the human body to recover, to heal itself, and to brings thing back to equilibrium on its own has limits, there can be external agents that can aid the process or even completely take over as the natural functions can take a back seat, in a way they could also be called systems that support a system or support systems. In the application of systems design to the real life, there are always some limitations and to combat that, external support systems can be added or built into the system so that in case of any issue it can be taken care of without the whole system destabilising.

