Education Shortform

Quizzes and Tests

In a nutshell…

Jonathan Firth
Education Shortform
2 min readJun 29, 2022


Photo by Antoine Dautry on Unsplash

It is becoming very popular to use quizzing apps such as Quizlet , Quizizz and Kahoot to support learning, and to set frequent low-stakes tests in class.

These can be beneficial for two reasons:

Retrieval practice is the less obvious benefit, and often overlooked by educators. According to the psychology research behind it, the process of retrieving things from memory helps them to stick, boosing retention over the long term.

In short, retrieval practice just means practicing recalling things from memory. If a teacher asks a question and a student replies without using notes, they are engaging in retrieval practice.

And practice makes perfect.

Quizzes and tests can therefore be used in almost any subject to support both knowledge and skills, and can be combined with distributed practice, providing consolidation after a delay.

Researchers recommend that such tasks are low-stakes, meaning that getting correct answers is not the focus. This a form of practice, after all.

It should be noted that retrieval practice could be achieved by any form of active recall from memory… so things like essay writing, peer teaching and discussion can have similar benefits to quizzes.

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Jonathan Firth
Education Shortform

Dr Jonathan Firth is an education author and researcher. His work focuses on memory and cognition. Free weekly newsletter: