Education Shortform

What is Working Memory?

In a nutshell…

Jonathan Firth
Education Shortform
2 min readNov 12, 2022


A computer circuit board
The mind’s RAM? Photo by Christian Wiediger on Unsplash

Working memory is a system that supports the brief, temporary storage of information.

Most of the information that goes into working memory is rapidly forgotten without having a lasting impact on your knowledge — a room number that you check just before going to class, for example. However it is essential for day-to-day processing and for the manipulation of any new information — and is therefore involved in all of the language, writing, listening and problem-solving tasks.

There is universal agreement among psychologists that working memory is limited in its capacity — it can only hold and process a small amount of information at a time — and therefore it shouldn’t be overloaded. Cognitive load theory looks at the implications of overloading; in general, learners should not receive too much information, too fast.

But how much is too much? This seems to depend partly on their existing level of knowledge; more well developed schema knowledge makes it quicker and easier to process incoming information. Read more on the working memory concept here

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Jonathan Firth
Education Shortform

Dr Jonathan Firth is an education author and researcher. His work focuses on memory and cognition. Free weekly newsletter: