Cool New Job Opportunities With Data Analytics Skills!

Rahul Paul
Education Skills
Published in
3 min readOct 11, 2019

Today business organizations and govt. institutions alike have embraced data driven strategies which has led to boom in the world of analytics. There is much demand for analytics skills and businesses are investing big on analytics. More interestingly, data analytics has given birth to cool new positions which did not even exist only a few years ago!

Let’s take a look at some of those new age job titles:

· People or HR analytics leader
It is the task of the People analytics leader to analyse data of the existing workforce in order to bring out insights. On the basis of which the workforce can be reshuffled and new talents can be hired in while firing the unnecessary.

Given the accuracy of data analytics, the entire process is very effective in managing the HR of an institution by saving time and cost, while adding efficiency at the same time.

McKinsey reports that People analytics can increase recruiting efficiency by 80% while decreasing attrition rates by 50%! Thus, more and more institutions are hiring People analytics leaders today and such a role earns $112,713 yearly at an average in US.

· Operations analyst

Streamlining business operations is one of the top priorities for companies. Uninformed decisions can lead to unwanted bottlenecks causing the entire business to suffer. Micromanaging each and everything can be a tough job for managers specially in big firms.

In comes operations analyst with his range of solutions for any operations problem. An operations analyst will analyse historical data of a firm and determine exactly what is hurting the operations and how to get rid of them efficiently. Moreover, he will also predict the success rate of an operations strategy thereby helping managers to decide immensely.

From large manufacturers to big transporters, operations analysts play a vital role in such organizations. The median salary of an operations analyst is $75,000 annually!

· Quantitative analyst

A quantitative analyst is one who utilize advanced analytics to recognize potential investment opportunities and manage financial risks. As major world economies continue to shift towards the digital, investing and trading can hugely benefit from data analytics, given the level of accurate predictions that a skilled data analyst can make!

Recognizing the potential of data analytics, many financial firms are hiring data analysts to build secure investment strategies and profit from it. With an average annual income of $ 82,879, the salary of a Quantitative analyst is quite high too!

How can you land on such cool and high paying jobs in India?

India too is slowly but surely becoming top destination for analytics jobs owing to its strong analytics industry and growing drive for digitalization. Bangalore is an Indian city which is already home to a multibillion-dollar analytics industry and generating top jobs for skilled analyst.

Thus, a course from an Analytics training institute in Bangalore can help you greatly in seeking great analytics jobs. A reputed Analytics training institute in Bangalore will also train you with all the in-demand skills so that you achieve quick success in your analytics career!

