Our TECbook giveaway

Ian Grainger
Education Umbrella
Published in
2 min readAug 15, 2017

Update: This competition is finished. The winner was St Aidan’s Catholic Academy.

Here’s a chance to get your hands on some cutting-edge resources, and save a school of your choice loads of money at the same time!

With the back-to-school period fast approaching, we’ve launched our free ‘100-TECbook giveaway’ (that’s our eBook for education). It’s simple to enter: just like and share our Facebook post linked below.


On the 4th of September we will select two winners at random. Not only will they receive their own copies of each of the three available titles… they may also nominate any school of their choice to receive a whole pile of TECbooks for teaching with! This could be a school the winner’s child attends, one they work for, or perhaps just the school down the road — either way, you’ll be saving them a lot of money!

We have three TECbooks on offer from Education Umbrella Press. The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet.

They’re all vital GCSE set texts, and come with a whole host of added resources for teaching or revision.

The first winner’s school will be able to choose a total of 100 TECbook copies, from any combination of the above three titles.

The runner-up’s school will be able to do the same, but up to a total of 50 copies.

Our TECbooks are cloud-based and will work on your tablet, phone or computer.

We’ll contact the winner via Facebook. Good luck!

