The Reason Why 95% of Businesses Fail Within 5 Years

Nowadays a lot of businesses are suffering because most of them are designed by experts and not by entrepreneurs.

Andrei Albu


Let’s start with an example

Imagine there is a pizza chef working in a restaurant, he is really good in doing his job. His pizzas are extremely appreciated. The restaurant is successful and the chef knows to be good and that he is part of that success. There is a problem though: his salary is too low and he is not satisfied with that.

He sets up his own business

At this point the chef decides to open his own business. From now difficulties occur and due to wrong decisions his business could approach the end before even starting.

He is an extremely good chef but not an entrepreneur

What is the problem? Our imaginary pizza chef is good at making pizzas but knows nothing about how to manage a restaurant, how to manage the staff, about marketing and how to attract people to eat in his place. He deeply realises…



Andrei Albu

Writer and Reader — I am 24. Writing about software, computers, programming languages, business, marketing, psychology and many other topics. Writing daily.