DIY Education

Learn WITHOUT spending a fortune!

Educational technology


This is my Ode to Education for the REAL WORLD!

To Pay or Not to Pay…for Education?!

Well, let’s see here…I certainly have plenty of experience in terms of paying for education. I am the proud owner of several formal pieces of paper at a couple of different levels.

When it came time for me to get an education in terms of the topics I LOVE and have a passion for…I consulted the Interwebs.

What I found

Of course there were plenty of colleges offering “Online” education but I was getting tired of “paying the man” for my daily dose of learning.

And then I found it…

What a FANTASTIC resource!

FIVE CHANNELS of information streaming out to the Internet for FREE. Now, if you want the ability to re-watch programs, if you can’t catch them while they’re live (or being re-broadcast) or if you simply find them SO educational (or the course materials only available with a paid subscription just too enticing) you can choose which programs to purchase.

If you are a creative professional, a lover of creative processes in this modern age or simply want to know more about topics you could probably use daily…this is the place to be!

Photo & Video — ever wanted to improve the way you capture life? Whether it’s in terms of techniques to better light your photos, what to shoot or how to do it…expensive camera owner or not…there is something here to learn for everyone!

Art & Design — do you have the desire to learn more about what you can do with art and design in the modern world? Ever wanted to know more about Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign, etc. but never had the time to learn? This is for you!

Music & Audio — do you have a rock-n-roll legend inside you waiting to escape? Want to use audio for a project and do it well? This particular channel is not for me personally…but could be a quick favorite for you if your interests gravitate toward the musically inclined!

Maker & Craft — have a passion for scrap booking? Want to sell something you make or learn how to decorate your home like a pro? This channel is right up your alley!

Business & Money — oh those pesky business aspects of life…chances are if you are interested in ANYTHING I’ve listed above and you have EVER been stuck in a cubicle…for even one day…you’ve thought of starting your own business. Learn REAL LIFE useful lessons here about blogging, marketing, monetizing and managing your business in the modern world!

What’s NOT to love?

I LOVE CreativeLIVE! If you have never been there…stop reading and click here but come back…because there is more to learn!

Yearning for MORE Education??

Do you want a DEEP DIVE into any of the topics that CreativeLive provides? Have you ever wanted to learn about: Animation & 3D, Audio & Music, Business, CAD, Design, being a Developer, Education, Photography, Video, the Web…

or…have you ever wanted to learn to use ANY SOFTWARE with greater ease and less pull-your-hair out style frustration?

I am very fortunate to get a subscription to via my current employer (my “day job”).

I can honestly say that if at some point I no longer have this amazing benefit, I will find a way to get myself a subscription — preferably for free…but I WOULD PAY OUT OF POCKET for what this site offers!

I would recommend paying for a subscription to this site…before I’d recommend taking on college debt! To be honest…there is more real-world applicable knowledge here…believe me…I have three degrees on my wall!

Now don’t get be wrong, I’m not advocating NOT going to college I’m simply stating that there are OTHER avenues to learn that DON’T involve sitting in a classroom or leaving the comfort of your living room/couch/pajamas.

How can you get this at little to no cost?

Try your local library. While I realize that these institutions have become a foreign concept to some, they still have the capacity to offer a LOT of resources to those who know where to look!

If it’s NOT offered at your local library…start writing. Write your local library director, your city manager, your mayor and whoever else holds influence over your city budget. DEMAND this programming! It’s worth every penny they will spend if even ONE person uses it, becomes a professional and then comes back to thank them with a donation!

Use THAT angle!

If the library is a no-go…try your employer or if you’re in school, your educator! Most employers and institutions of learning (in any fashion) in this day and age want to tout and be associated with well-rounded individuals. Appeal to this mentality. If you are allowed to access this site you will ultimately be more valuable to your employer, a better student and a better resource for your COMMUNITY for the knowledge it provides!

Can’t get your local resources or your employer to pay for the subscription for you?

Just join.

If you set aside a little time to play these easy-to-follow tutorials that you can stop, play, pause, rewind and watch over and over…you WILL LEARN.

What are you WAITING for????


