Scott-Ryan AbtinThe RiffA Strong Opinion, Loosely Held: The Case for a Triumphant Return to VinylThere are many ways to listen to music. And that’s a good thing.Feb 21, 202337
Oudi AntebiSpecialized AI Clones: Why Your Doctor and Music Producer Need Different PlatformsImagine having a conversation with a digital replica of your favorite artist, a renowned therapist, or even a historical figure. This is no…4d ago4d ago
Naotake MasudainQosmo LabState-of-the-art Singing Voice Conversion methodsWe’ll go over the basics of singing voice conversion and explain the mechanisms of some SotA methods.Sep 21, 2023Sep 21, 2023
Scott-Ryan AbtinThe RiffA Strong Opinion, Loosely Held: The Case for a Triumphant Return to VinylThere are many ways to listen to music. And that’s a good thing.Feb 21, 202337
Oudi AntebiSpecialized AI Clones: Why Your Doctor and Music Producer Need Different PlatformsImagine having a conversation with a digital replica of your favorite artist, a renowned therapist, or even a historical figure. This is no…4d ago
Naotake MasudainQosmo LabState-of-the-art Singing Voice Conversion methodsWe’ll go over the basics of singing voice conversion and explain the mechanisms of some SotA methods.Sep 21, 2023
Rodrick Rahim Chattaika Jr.How Electronic Music Fosters Mental Health and Emotional Well-BeingAs mental health gains prominence in public discourse, new methods for improving emotional well-being are constantly being explored. One…Oct 24
Ravi KrishnaswamiMusic AI Research: Thoughts on SunoHuman musicians won’t stop learning and making, but they will see one path to monetizing their passion devalued by these products.Apr 4