Video presentation style in MOOC courses  

What would you like: conversational type or reading out type..?

Dilrukshi Gamage
Educational technology
2 min readMay 10, 2014


After the heavy daily chores I sat down in front of the PC to do MOOC around the courses. I love to learn new things, take challenges stay updated ect.

But instead this is what happened ..

  1. I listen to a webinar from Stanford Professional Development Center — It was a recoded version, but still I felt she is talking to me and It was not hard to follow her. It sounded like a conversation.
  2. Soon after that I listen to a Lecture video of a course I enrolled from a different platform.
  3. The lecturer sounded as she was reading a script. reading the slides. I was so bored, thinking what is the different between listening to a conversation and listing to someone reading a book with videos.

Remarks from the situation-

I love to listen to conversation type teaching. Many of the MOOC videos do not think about it. It is important to make us feel you are talking.. not reading..

A lecturer should not simply be reading the slides , instead make a conversation out of it. feel simple, talk as we are in front of you.

Talk something more than in the slides, we dont want lecturers to read out for us, instead tell us how do you feel about the facts.

Bring us examples, talk through experience.

To enrich what I am trying to say have a look at the courses, feel the difference between reading slides and talking…

  1. MIT Entrepreneurship 15.390X -edX online
  2. Stanford Learning from Your Students: A Lab Course in Formative Assessment Practice in the Era of the Common Core State Standards —NovoEd

It is time to share you true opinion. I am a conversational type learner.. are you different to me.?



Dilrukshi Gamage
Educational technology

Research Student in eLearning MOOC and HCI , building a conceptual pedagogy to improve collaborative and effective eLearning with HCI concepts.