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Join the Learning Revolution

James Saint Simon
4 min readNov 3, 2023


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“Imagination is the source of every form of human achievement. And it’s the one thing that I believe we are systematically jeopardizing in the way we educate our children and ourselves.”
Sir Ken Robinson

Public Education is in need of a radical transformation in the age of artificial intelligence and the continuous decline of our student’s academic performances. More and more parents are pulling their kids out to be homeschooled, not only for political reasons but because of the lack of quality in many schools across the nation. While the technology in the classrooms is progressing and improving, the model and philosophy haven’t changed since the Industrial Revolution. Children are taught on an assembly line in accordance with the Federal Standards determined for children based on their grade. Almost all of the most influential academic minds would disagree and propose a different method for approaching learning and optimal development

EduCenter News is all about showcasing those influential academic voices that have been shouting solutions from the mountains but are being ignored by politicians. Teachers are not at fault, because they learn about these reformers and their theories in college but the crowded classrooms and rigid curriculum force them to acquiesce. Meanwhile, families are flocking in droves toward charter and private schools that are adopting alternative approaches to education. It’s time for education to change but we need help to spread the word.

Call to Action

We are looking for writers who are passionate about education and willing to donate their time to write articles, share resources, and write true experiences from the classroom that will evoke progress and innovations in Education. We are in association with the Great Expectations Foundation, a nonprofit academic service that is looking to build a platform for learning aimed at educators, parents, and students. As we continue to raise money for support, we intend to enact the change we write by opening a fully funded private academy for underprivileged students, adopting an individualized and innovative approach to education.

If you are interested in writing for EducenterNews, leave us a comment with your email address.

How We Started

As soon as I graduated from high school, I entered right back into the school district as an instructional assistant. While attending community college concurrently during my sophomore year of high school, I fell in love with learning in the style of Higher Education. The professor treated me like a capable and intelligent human, despite my age, and allowed me to be responsible for my failures or success. Students were given the creative freedom to select their own studies and create an academic plan suited for them individually. This is why I am a university professor to this day.

When I returned to work as an employee for the school district, I noticed the individualized education plan developed by a team of stakeholders for students with special needs. As great as it was for them, I believed that attentive care toward individualization should be done for all students according to their learning styles and intelligence types. As I pursued a degree in Education, I found that preschool and college were individualizing and practicing student-led learning, but elementary through high school was very rigid and standardized. There were a few videos that will give you an idea of the problems and also offer solutions:

The Problem of How Schools Quench Student Creativity

Philosophical Problem of How We Define and Measure Intelligence:

Solution for poor academic performance:

These three videos were instrumental in inspiring the formation of EducenterNews. The problem is the quenching of student creativity and the destruction of their motivation because of our curriculum, classroom environment, and intelligence assessment. The solution is a different assessment of intelligence that allows for a tailored educational plan where students learn practical and relevant skills as they work with their hands. It goes much deeper than that and our website provides a library of videos, recommended books, and websites such as Khan Academy that are aligned with our philosophy.

If you are interested in writing for EducenterNews, leave us a comment with your email address.

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James Saint Simon

Author, Poet, Business Owner, University Professor, and Education Reformer.