Write for “EduCenter News”

James Saint Simon
Published in
3 min readNov 3, 2023

Looking for Writers Fall-2023

Photo by Kaitlyn Baker on Unsplash


Thank you for taking an interest in writing for Educenter News. We are excited to grow our following to deliver more writing about Education. Before you contact us about joining, please be sure to read the entire article and hit clap at the bottom of the page.

Our Mission

While our mission is to deliver positive messages about education and learning, we do not require our writers to be certified teachers. Anyone who is interested in telling stories about education or sharing ideas is welcome to write for us as long as you adhere to the submission guidelines.

Follow the Publication

Before being considered for our publication, you must follow our publication here on Medium. Also take a minute to visit our website and subscribe to the site, where we will also select some of your writings to be published on the blog site.

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Submission Topic

Follow our specific guidelines to ensure acceptance as a writer for EduCenter. Here are a list of topics we accept for our publication:
→ Education Articles
→ Stories about Teaching
→ Research on Brain Development
→ Poems about Learning or Teaching
→ Teaching Advice
→ Parenting Advice
→ Interesting Ideas about English, STEM, History,
→ Tips for Becoming A Better Writer
→ Learning Foreign Languages
→ News on Current Education Policies
→ Fitness, Nutrition, and Health

Submit your writings on any of the topics listed above or a topic you believe to be relevant to our publication. All writings will be subject to editing and selection. We will do our best to publish approved articles within 24 hours of submission.

Submission Guidelines

To be approved for publication:

→ Articles must be written by a human and written well in English. It must be coherent and grammatically correct.

→ Your articles must be submitted in draft form. Do not publish them before submitting them to our publication.

→ Be sure to tag “educenternews” as one of the topics.

→ Use a Title, Subtitle, and credited picture at the beginning of your article.

→ You must also adhere to all the corrections recommended by the editor.

→ Cite any sources you mention in your article.

→ Our Editor will have the final say on approval for publication

How To Apply

Now that you have read the submission guidelines and decided to move forward with writing for us, clap for this article and comment below with a message telling us you have read the submission guidelines and want to be a writer for EduCenter News. Make sure you include what you intend to write about and we will get back to you as soon as possible.


Thank you for your interest in writing for EduCenter News. We are excited to read your articles and submissions.

To learn more about our vision and origins, read the following article:

Our Editor:



James Saint Simon

Author, Poet, Business Owner, University Professor, and Education Reformer.