Be a proper ‘tag’ of HTML

Muskan Sharma
Published in
4 min readJun 6, 2020

HTML(HyperText Markup Language) is a powerful markup language which can be used to give our web applications structure and provide powerful accessibility benefits, but only when used appropriately.HTML is the most basic building block of the Web. It defines the meaning and structure of web content.


HTML was created by Sir Tim Berners-Lee in late 1991.

  • HTML 1.0 was released in 1993 with the intention of sharing information which can be readable and accessible via web browsers. But not much of the developers were involved in creating websites. So the language was also not growing.
  • Then comes the HTML 2.0, published in 1995; which contains all the features of HTML 1.0 along with that few additional features; which remained as the standard markup language for designing and creating websites until January 1997 and refined various core features of HTML.
  • Then comes the HTML 3.0, where Dave Raggett who introduced a fresh paper or draft on HTML. It included improved new features of HTML, giving more powerful characteristics for webmasters in designing web pages. But these powerful features of new HTML slowed down the browser in applying further improvements.
  • Then comes the HTML 4.01 which is widely used and was a successful version of HTML before HTML 5.0, which is currently released and used worldwide. HTML 5 can be said for as an extended version of HTML 4.01 which was published in the year 2012.

For beginners

Let’s begin:

Tags and attributes

An HTML element is defined by a start tag, some content, and an end tag:

<tagname>Content goes here…</tagname>

Here are some basic tags:


All HTML elements can have attributes. Attributes provide additional information about elements. Attributes are always specified in the start tag.

Basic Attributes


There are three list types in HTML:

  • unordered list — used to group a set of related items in no particular order
  • ordered list — used to group a set of related items in a specific order
  • description list — used to display name/value pairs such as terms and definitions

Each list type has a specific purpose and meaning in a web page.

Inserting Images

Images can be easily inserted at any section in an HTML page. To insert image in an HTML page, use the <img> tags. It is an empty tag, containing only attributes since the closing tag is not required.The src attribute is used to add the image source i.e. URL of the image. The alt attribute is for adding alternate text, width for adding width, and height for adding the height of the image.

Table Methods

An HTML table is defined with the <table> tag.

Each table row is defined with the <tr> tag. A table header is defined with the <th> tag. By default, table headings are bold and centered. A table data/cell is defined with the <td> tag.

Thanks for reading, I hope you learnt something new, and maybe even useful.

