194 Short Lessons for a Happy Life

How to make money, love, drink, help, and generally exist in the modern world

Adrien Book


In what has become a yearly tradition, I am sharing today the really simple, yet valuable, lessons I’ve learnt through the past year(s). 150 last year, 193 this year; you do the math on life’s learning curve..

The below list is the result of systematically and painstakingly writing down the smartest things I hear or read about how to live well in the 21st centuries.

Some I apply Always. Others I’m working on applying Sometimes. But they’re all worth keeping in mind.

If you’re too lazy to go through ~200 bullet points, here’s a poem by Kai Skye that I really like, which should give you idea of how a life may be well lived.

I want to do important work, I said. Then smile at people you meet, she said & play with dogs & tuck a blanket around someone who falls asleep. That’s not what I meant, I said. Of course you did, she said. You just had a smaller idea of important.

  1. Be on time.
  2. Keep your word.
  3. Buy the orange properties…



Adrien Book

Strategy Consultant | Tech writer | Somewhat French