5 tips to help your child with learning

A reminder to go back to the basics!

Seb Writes


Photo by Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

As someone who deeply values giving back to the community and helping others towards self-improvement. I am sitting here, writing this list from recent conversations with first-time parents, who struggle to support their children to gain the best start in life!

Therefore, I have compiled a list of things that I know to work in supporting pupils towards success.

1. Read Regularly

Listening to words, reading together, and observing language signs and symbols give children the start to be able to communicate effectively. We do not just only learn how to read, but through engaging in quality discussions and discourse we can build children’s minds to possibilities. In England, half of the issue is that parents do not read with their children or encourage reading. It does not need to be an hour of reading, but five minutes a day of regular reading goes a long way.

2. Discuss and debate

This links to the first point, as simple things as going for a walk and talking about the environment, road signs, how to cross roads, and favourite parts of where you live all can be topical discussions. The list is endless! Talking to your child will help them form opinions and develop…



Seb Writes

I use writing to share my love for food, travel , life experiences and self care. I am passionate about mental health and self improvement too.