A Romantic Symphony of Education: Where English and Creativity Dance Together!

Alex Baidun
Published in
6 min readMay 27, 2023


Teacher + Students + Art = Words Dance and Art Blossoms. Captured Magic and Hidden Identities — Beauty Etched in Bright Minds.

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I was writing this piece while enveloped in Cannons — Purple Sun.

Hey there, my wonderful English enthusiasts! Can I just say today has put me on cloud nine? My soul fibers are grooving to a slow dance of pure bliss because, guess what? My humble plan worked like a charm! You see, I’ve been on this never-ending IT self-development ride, and let me tell you, it’s paying off big time in my teaching game. I can’t contain my excitement! But hey, I’ve got a little surprise for you. I’ve got some cool photos showcasing my students’ awesome work, and I couldn’t wait to share them with you. Get ready for some serious talent, my friend! Just turn off your “proofread mode” while looking at my students’ work, please. Just get down a bit and relax.

Now, let’s talk about today, my friends. It’s a day made of sunshine and rainbows. Why, you ask? Well, for starters, I’m wrapping up this huge project that’s been keeping me on my toes. Phew! It feels good to see the finish line. But that’s not all! Something magical is happening in my classroom. My students, bless their hearts, are showing an interest in learning like never before. I mean, pinch me, am I dreaming? It’s like a breath of fresh air, and it fills my heart with pure joy.

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You know what’s really exciting? There are more adventures on the horizon. My long-term project about my writing is coming to an end, but there are plenty of smaller ones and pilot projects waiting to take flight. And let me spill the tea on something amazing I discovered.

So, I’ve been on the lookout for personal experiences to share with my students, and guess what I stumbled upon? Canva, my friends! This fantastic tool is free for educational purposes. How cool is that? But wait, there’s more! Grammarly, the grammar guru, also has some educational features. I wasted no time and shot them an email brimming with ideas for a beautiful collaboration. And guess what? They got back to me, suggesting I join their seminar in the first place.

So here’s the plan, my dear readers. I’m thinking of starting a writing course at our school for free. Ooooh, yeah! I’d be over the moon to make it happen. Of course, we’ll see if it fits our school’s vibe, but hey, hey-hey-hey, I’m all about giving it a shot. Life’s too short to miss out on exciting opportunities, right? Let’s see where it takes us.

As for now, get ready to groove because we’re about to dance our weird way to educational awesomeness! Let’s dance in the mysterious rain of enlightenment with me, my friend!

The pictures above were made using MidJourney

Let me tell you today’s tale. Imagine my students sitting around me.

Well, my dear students, gather around, for I have a tale to share, drenched in the hues of passion and creativity. Every passing year, I strive to refine my approaches and workbooks, sculpting them with tender care. And you know what? Reality has a way of surprising me with questions from you, my brilliant minds—questions I never fathomed. It’s a beautiful dance of learning where I must consider countless factors and intricacies.

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Here’s a little secret I’ve discovered about you, my very curious Thai students: you possess an extraordinary gift for art and music.

It often feels like every one of you can either sing like an angel, play a musical instrument with grace, or paint with strokes of pure brilliance. And oh, how I cherish the knowledge that we humans hold a special place in our hearts for what we create with our own hands.

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Now, let me whisper another enchanting secret to you. I have added a touch of polish to our journey together, quite literally, with the presence of laptops in our classroom.

My heart leaps with joy when I witness the sight of your eyes widening as I type in English. It’s as if, with each keystroke, a letter is born, then a word dances into existence, followed by a tango of phrases, culminating in a symphony of thoughts woven into sentences.

Very long “O-o-oh,” the students exclaimed.

Your bright minds become captivated, like witnesses to a mesmerizing doodle coming to life.

Thus, I have crafted my workbooks in a way that invites you to leave a piece of yourself within their pages. I believe, dear ones, that this will foster a deeper appreciation for our shared journey and ignite a flame of attentiveness that will radiate throughout our classroom.

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And now, English ceases to be a mere collection of bewildering and boundless words. Instead, it transforms into a glorious festival, celebrating your creativity intertwined with the beauty of this language. Remember when I encouraged you to unleash your inner Picasso?

Well, my beloved students, you responded with resplendent splendor. Some embraced the call modestly, while others embraced it boldly. I can’t help but feel that this decision to infuse a sprinkle of creativity was a stroke of brilliance.

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You granted me permission to capture your remarkable works, and even that simple request brought smiles to your faces. In accordance with ethical guidelines, I have taken care to protect your privacy by blacking out names and photos. So fear not, my treasures. Your identities remain safely concealed.

Allow me to present to the world these captured moments—a glimpse into the magic we have woven together. May it inspire all hearts and serve as a reminder of the beauty we have co-created.

Let these words and images linger in your minds, forever etching themselves upon the canvas of your hearts…

Let’s dance smoothly now…

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Alex Baidun

Content Creator/Ex-Teacher/Ex-Economist/Melancholy Introvert/Bhuddist/Poet/Musician/Optimist/I write about Philosophy,Adventures,Life/Catch my drift?Subscribe💜