Academics Write Only for Academics or ‘Letters from Ordinary People’

This humorous story is about simplifying language for better communication and understanding. Let’s Chat!

Alex Baidun


In a world of PhDs and fancy words, simplicity becomes a revolutionary act.

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Good morning, ladies and gentlemen! Today I want to raise the question of whether it is appropriate to complicate the language. Initially, I thought it would be a bit more lamplike here, like a modern retro-vintage style with a little twist. Just something easy-going. In fact, not really.

Being a multilingual person and an English teacher, I understand the importance of language in communicating information effectively. Besides, the simpler the language used, the easier it is for students to comprehend and learn. So, I’d like to talk to you about that, but in my style. Buckle up, friends, because we are about to embark on our satirical journey — let’s fly!


Recently, I got a letter from John Threevolts.

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Hi, Alex! My name is John Threevolts. I’m a guy with a very rowdy past, well let’s just say I liked to let fire in my youth, you know? But that stays in the past.

Now I have a typical Texas family. Me, three wives and 28 kids, nothing out of the ordinary, let me say. So I decided to get on Medium on the advice of my imaginary girlfriend Umah Trueman. After all, I’m interested in reading what educators write there. Signed up, signed up for something and here I am reading some academics. Then I thought, “Hey? Put down your language gun, please. Hm, maybe I should check out one of those articles…”

Alex, then I found your combination of words. You’re an absolutely ordinary teacher as typical as my Texas family. You write clearly… seldom.

But look, maybe you talk to academics and ask them to write for ordinary people too; about their life cases maybe. I dunno… something in the style of the movie “Criminal Writing” by Quillteen Grammartino. Thank you. I gotta go to give some fire in the forest.

Quillteen Grammartino Presents

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Hello, John Threevolts! I’m Alex. Thank you for your electric shock of confidence! I agree with you, brother. Yeah, sometimes reading academic essays might be like attending a masquerade ball where everyone is hiding behind a mask of incomprehensible language. Honestly, I have no idea what they write about either, but fear not, my friend — I’ll find a solution!

I believe we can have a dance in plain English, a little language salsa—but! (index finger up) Let’s not go overboard, alright? I’m not suggesting we slap on a bunch of emojis and fancy Instagram pics with and without muscles. Although, a few well-placed emojis wouldn’t hurt.

Then, I got a letter from a naughty boy named Alt Cupowner.

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Hey, Alex! I’m Alt Cupowner — a serious man, a big boss.

Ya see, I got this itch, a real curious one, see? I wanna get inside them teachers’ heads, y’know? Find out what makes ’em tick, what gets ’em fired up, what burdens they gotta carry, and what keeps ’em going. I ain’t in the mood for no fancy, highfalutin’ words, no siree. I wanna read smooth, like a breeze on a summer night, ya get me?

Yeah, I can’t be bothered with no dictionary, ain’t nobody got time for that. I wanna dive into them pages and soak in the knowledge like a thirsty man in the desert. It’s gotta be a pleasure, ya know what I mean? No more wrestling with big words or gettin’ lost in a maze of jargon.

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And here’s a thought that’ll blow your lid. Alex, hm, what if them academics ain’t even from around here? What if they’re aliens, walkin’ among us with their grand ideas and mysterious ways? Heck, it ain’t that far-fetched, considerin’ some of the stuff they come up with.

So, you see, they are either humans, aliens or those Annunaki guys?

Hm… Annunaki, it sounds like Annual Nike… Maybe he tried to tell me something metaphorically? Hmm, not clear yet, and let’s not forget about the youngsters!

I got a letter from a young singer in the past, Justin Bebear.

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Hey, Alex! I’m Justin Bebear; not beer, but bear! I have something to sing ya. Listen, would I comment on one of those postings if a student from a different university, not my prof, invited me to their fancy-schmancy dissertation party? — No. Simply because I’ve never been a university student.

But look, if I were? It’s like you got PhDs lurkin’ left and PhDs lurkin’ right, and they’re throwin’ around words that are so outta this world, you don’t even know where to start. Yeah-yeah! I think they’re speakin’ alien or somethin’. I’d rather listen to my favorite tunes by my buddy DJ Khaled than tryna decipher their fancy-pants lingo. Lemme know if you find some solution. I’m gonna grow up a bit.

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Hmm, people say studying academic writing is like encountering aliens. Yeah, at first, you’re intrigued by their brilliance, but soon you’re lost in an intergalactic maze of references! However, I hasten to reassure you, my readers, and anybody else who may be reading this that the remedy is straightforward.

Solution is ChatGPT👏

Well, my friend. After much thought and frequent interaction with non-native speakers, I have decided to bring up this topic. With the advent of AI, there seems to be a little trend toward text complexity.

What is the purpose of language?

The purpose is to share information and be understood in the first place. Right? And ChatGPT can help with a short prompt.

Prompt — Rewrite the following text at the A2 CEFR level: “Your text here.”

As you see, there is a free solution that everyone can use! ChatGPT can simplify any article with a short prompt. My experience has shown me that communication benefits from a reduction in complexity and an increase in clarity. We can understand without feeling overwhelmed, and AI can help.

ChatGPT builds a communicative link — faster than Neuralink!

ChatGPT is a free solution!

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Alex Baidun

Content Creator/Ex-Teacher/Ex-Economist/Melancholy Introvert/Bhuddist/Poet/Musician/Optimist/I write about Philosophy,Adventures,Life/Catch my drift?Subscribe💜