Beyond the Village: The Impact of ‘Shark River’ book

Explore a transformative journey through the Everglades, as I share how it inspired resilience, courage, and hope in my own life

Noi Channoi☘️
4 min readSep 9, 2023


By the author using Midjourney

Hello from Thailand! Let me tell you about the book which influenced me a lot. In the world of literature, there are stories that entertain, stories that inspire, and then there are those rare tales that not only captivate the imagination but also leave an indelible mark on the soul. For me, one such story was Richard Powell’s “Shark River.”

Screenshot by the author after Google search, the book looked similar to this.

It was a story about a man’s quest for truth, which was robbed of all his family’s money. Through the pages of this book, I was able to experience the beauty of the Everglades, the mangrove forests, and the creatures that called it home. Every time I read it, my imagination was spun into a web of adventure and intrigue.

“Does such a place exist?” I was asking myself all the time

By the author using Midjourney

The most memorable part of the book for me was when the protagonist, Johnie, decided to take a risk and leave his small village to find a better life. He faced a lot of adversity throughout his journey, and there were times when he wanted to give up. Despite all the hardships he encountered, he continued on and found success in the end.

This story was inspiring to me because it showed that no matter how difficult life can be, there is always potential for success if one is willing to take risks. It reminded me of the importance of courage and persistence in pursuing one’s dreams.

I was able to relate to Johnie’s struggles and I realized that I too could overcome any obstacle if I just had the courage and determination to do so. This book taught me an important lesson about never giving up hope, no matter how challenging the situation may seem.

By the author using Midjourney

The plot of “Shark River” was also captivating. The journey of the protagonist was full of twists and turns as he encountered various challenges and obstacles on his path. Through his story, I was able to experience the thrill of the unknown and the power of taking risks. I was also able to gain a better understanding of the world beyond my own village.

One of the main themes of “Shark River” was resilience. The protagonist faced so many hardships but still pressed on with determination. His example taught me the importance of never giving up, no matter how hard the situation. This idea was incredibly empowering, and it helped me see that no matter how much I might be struggling, I could still make a better life for myself if I had the courage to keep pushing forward.

My world was so bright until the day my mother told me that I would not be able to go on to secondary school just because we don’t have money. At that moment, my world split into two — “Bright and Dark”

So many “Why?” came up.

By the author using Midjourney

Then I realized that when I was younger, I was a beautiful child who always saw the world through a bright lens. This was because books showed me new worlds and gave me hope.

We don’t know everything, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist, right?

That’s when I told myself that our lives don’t just happen in the village. I needed to learn something new, and the whole world is waiting for me. The impact that “Shark River” had on my life was incredibly powerful. It gave me the courage to take risks and to never give up.

It helped me understand the importance of resilience, and it showed me the beauty of the world beyond my village. Most importantly, it gave me the hope that I could make something of myself, no matter how difficult the situation may be — I became a teacher.

By the author using Midjourney

To this day, I still revisit “Shark River” whenever I feel discouraged or overwhelmed. It reminds me that no matter how hard life may seem, I can still make something of myself if I have the courage to keep pushing forward. I am incredibly thankful for this book and its influence on my life.

Thank you for being a part of my journey.

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Noi Channoi☘️

I'm a P.E. teacher in Thailand. Like a little seed I still need the nutrient to growth. Live and Learn and Have a nice journey.