Choosing the Right Starting Lineup

How to find great academic advisors who matter for a lifetime

Anna Gifty
3 min readNov 13, 2023


Source: Getty Images/Ringer illustration

I adore educators so much. The immense time they invest in helping us learn and fostering a love for learning is usually unparalleled. Which is why, from day one of my PhD, I prioritized picking the right starting lineup — better known as my academic advisors (or dissertation committee). While I won’t reveal the specifics of my committee, I want to share how I thought about selecting a team of educators who care about me and the work that I hope to do.

Full disclosure: I am a third-year Ph.D. student at Harvard Kennedy School and the Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences. This advice primarily applies to people pursuing doctoral degrees, but can broadly apply to any student.

When I think about great advisors, I picture a basketball team’s starting lineup with five players on the court: a point guard, a shooting guard, a small forward, a power forward, and a center. Each player works with the others to achieve one goal: Get the ball into the basket.

Now, imagine your chosen group of advisors as this team, you as the ball, and your career as the basket. This is the dream team as I envison it:

The Chair shows you what’s possible.

Think of your chair like a point guard — they see the big picture. With lots of experience, they guide you on the paths you can take and what they lead to. This senior person is committed to students and research, making sure you stay grounded.

The Anchor makes sure you graduate.

Your anchor is like the power forward, both offense (moving you forward) and defense (dealing with obstacles). They encourage you on tough days and empower you on confident ones. This person ensures you graduate with your sanity intact.

The Connector provides additional support.

Like a shooting guard, your connector offers any needed support. They know people, places, and things that help you succeed. Connected to different communities, they provide resources for your success.

The Refiner improves your ideas.

Sometimes the refiner spans the team. They take your ideas and suggest ways to make them stronger. Familiar with the cutting edge, they turn messy ideas into meaningful ones.

The Finisher advocates for you.

Educators who care about you speak positively about you in places you won’t see. The finisher, with power, has your back, pushing you forward. They make sure others know about you and your work before you even meet them.

The Tweet that started the discourse.

This not-so-exact guide has helped me navigate my choices in assembling the group of educators around me. My advisors sometimes play multiple roles at once or switch roles on the ‘court’ of my academic career depending on the season.

The key ingredient for a great team of advisors, I’ve found, is commitment. Are they committed to seeing you grow, learn, and evolve? Are they dedicated to guiding you toward the career you want for yourself? This kind of commitment distinguishes good advisors from great ones.

It’s important to mention that commitment is often accompanied by kindness. Unkind individuals tend to reveal themselves over time. Opting for a kind advisor, even if their research isn’t perfectly aligned, is generally a better choice than selecting an unkind advisor who doesn’t prioritize your well-being. One can and will open doors for you, while the other will likely make your academic journey miserable.

I am deeply grateful for the guidance of my advisors throughout the years, especially those currently serving on my dissertation committee. At every stage, they have not only guided my academic progress but also reminded me of my capabilities and who I am. I believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to learn from exceptional educators.

I sincerely hope that this article proves helpful to you as you embark on your quest to find great advisors who leave a lasting impact on your life.

As always, follow me on Instagram and Twitter @itsafronomics, and check out my new research page here. Good luck!



Anna Gifty

An award-winning researcher, writer, and speaker. Follow me on Instagram @itsafronomics.