Chronicles of an Exchange Student’s Odyssey in Thailand — 4#School Life&Heart-warming Dinner

The vibrant life at our Thai school, from exciting events to cultural exchanges and heartwarming moments for the French girl

Alex Baidun
9 min readSep 2, 2023


Photo by the School Photographer, Our Sdutents.

Hello, my friend! There’s so much going on at school, I just can’t keep quiet. These stories will not have any logic in terms of the frequency of their writing. However, I will try to write at least one story a week. Our school isn’t just a place where books go to retire; it’s a bustling hub of activity that could give a beehive a run for its honey.

Do you know what our teachers and kids are up to when they’re not tackling equations or learning about the wonders of photosynthesis?

They’re on a mission, my friends! A mission to whip up the coolest, most unforgettable school events you could ever imagine.

School Life

First up, we’ve got the School Sports Day, and trust me, it’s a sporting spectacle that even Olympians would envy. However, it took place in July.

Photo by the School Photographer, the Opening Ceremony ‘Sports Day’
Photo by the School Photographer, Our Cheerleaders.

And that’s just a small part of what Wanida overlooked, and consider for a moment: this would not have been possible if the Buddhist monk hadn’t donated this plot of land to build this school one day…

How many smiles has this land brought to the world since then? How many millions of happy tears has this country shed since then?

I’m just overjoyed…

That’s in the first half of the year, so we’re just warming up. Then, as if by magic, it’s Children’s Day in the second half, just coming. We like to keep the calendar balanced, you know? We’re all about equal opportunity for fun!

Photos by the School Photographer, the Opening (Closing) Ceremony

There’s more — a whole treasure trove of smaller events that keep our excitement levels at an all-time high. We’ve got School Science Day, where even the lab mice are party animals, English Day where the Queen’s language takes center stage (well, more like center desk), exhibitions that make us feel like sophisticated art connoisseurs, fashion shows that turn the hallways into runways (move over, Paris!), and charity events where we do our best to save the world, one bake sale at a time. And we help cats!

I’m sorry, but mentioning cats is always beneficial! 😇

And let’s not forget the dancing! We’ve got moves that could rival a Bollywood blockbuster — from graceful Thai dancing to K-pop routines that would make BTS proud. Sometimes, we just break into spontaneous dance-offs because, hey, life is too short not to shake it like a polaroid picture.

Photo by the School Photographer, Our Young K-Pop Dancers

In a nutshell, our school is like a never-ending carnival of awesomeness. If you want a taste of adventure, laughter, and a whole lot of chaos (the good kind), our doors are wide open. Come join the party, and we promise you won’t leave without a smile as big as the Cheshire Cat’s! Like I said, “Mentioning cats is always beneficial.”

Hey? Do Thai people do anything else except dancing and singing?

Of course, they do. They just know how to enjoy life; they know how to be happy. Like in the famous song: don’t worry, be happy! The list of activities seems endless, but let’s get a bit more serious for a moment.

On the eve of the weekend, our school organized special days to identify the top scouts for participation in regional competitions.

On one hand, our students, guided by wise teachers, learn to respect nature by cleaning up the litter that mars the natural beauty of Thailand, akin to a malignant tumor.

Photo by the School Photographer
Photo by the School Photographer

On the other hand, our boys undergo intensive training as they prepare to advance to higher levels of competition. I’d like to provide some more details about this.

On a weekend, the children stay overnight at school, with parents having completed the necessary paperwork and expressing their trust in our teachers, some of whom also stay overnight.

During these days, the students showcase their skills in knot tying, constructing sturdy bamboo and rope structures, as well as competing in cooking and physical fitness challenges.

Photos by the School Photographer
Photo by the School Photographer, Our Scouts.

Curious Youngsters and the Thai Style of Having a Meal

Now let’s move smoothly to our student from France. As you can imagine, life is boiling over for our special student as well. During this time, the younger students are increasingly intrigued by the French student, but they’re too shy to request a photo or record a TikTok video. I’m referring to the youngest students, aged around 12 to 13.

These kids often walk by Wanida with smiles on their faces, unsure whether to greet her with a “Bonjour” or not. Nevertheless, their curiosity towards her is truly remarkable, and they always smile.

As for for the French student, her schedule at school keeps her just as occupied. To better understand the context of the upcoming photos, a bit of background information might be helpful.

Photo by the Thai Family

When Wanida is tending to the animals, it’s not solely about caring for them in a conventional sense; there’s a deeper symbolism at play. The people of the kingdom of Thailand love to do good and nice things together, which is just an awesome trait of the nation, in my humble opinion.

In this case, their joint care for the animals not only improves their karma faster but also builds strong human relationships based on positive emotions and good deeds. As you may know, Thailand is a predominantly Buddhist country, and these teachings deeply influence their way of life.

When I said that the people of Thailand, in general, love to have fun together, I meant that they also enjoy spending time with their own colleagues to have dinner but in their own style.

What do you mean by their own style?

For instance, it’s customary in Thailand to arrange a generous table laden with a variety of dishes and share the meal together. In contrast to the Western practice of ordering individual portions, Thai tradition typically involves ordering numerous dishes for everyone present.

Thai style sharing food: my colleagues and I, on the right - a former German teacher, Photo by Thai teacher

I enjoy eating on occasion, but such magnificent tables rapidly fill the stomach, because the food is delivered in stages and there is always an excess of it.

This practice isn’t just symbolic of mutual assistance and the spirit of sharing; it also serves a practical purpose. When you eat from one large dish, the flavors tend to blend and dull quickly. In contrast, enjoying a variety of dishes, each in small portions, heightens the taste experience with every bite.

As you can see, Thai people are welcoming and helpful. They help both animals and humans. Some Thais feed street animals, while others take in homeless people and share some food with them.

As a result, individuals not only enhance their karma but also become the closest to a person in need. Of course, help and mutual aid extend to many areas and various cases, I just gave you an example. It’s like a big family here.

Photo by the Thai Family

In the photo above, you’ll notice a boy wearing a white shirt; he’s one of my students from M1/1. This class is known for its consistently positive atmosphere with bright minds. It’s safe to say that, regardless of your initial mood when entering the classroom, you’ll always leave with a smile, echoing the sentiment, “I love my job!” However, this isn’t always the case elsewhere. So, that boy is very diligent and well-behaved, he is a new brother for Wanida.

Moving on, the French girl was introduced to some of our noteworthy landmarks. Take, for instance, the Chinese Shrine and the Altar of Offerings. These temples were constructed using ancestral funds, and the names of the most significant contributors are forever etched into the walls.

Photo by the Thai Family

In the photo, you'll see my colleague in a white blouse. She is our young head of the Foreign Languages Department and is an experienced and respectful English teacher as well.

Our school is like a family. Imagine 2,500 youngsters in our school out of a population of 10,000. We know each other, and students from neighboring villages attend. The significance of this school for the city and its impact on the city’s whole life has become clear to you.

Surprisingly, life and the economy revolve around the school rather than the shopping mall, which I love.

And the cheery on the top about Wanida’s time in the host family.

Heart-warming Evening

Take your comfortable seat, because we are pacing down a bit. The sun was setting and the air was still. Wanida had walked the long road to the gracious Thai family’s home. As she approached, the faint sound of laughter and the scent of dinner cooking filled the air.

Photo by the Thai Family

Wanida was filled with a warmth that was both familiar and comforting. The family seemed to share a secret joy that Wanida could almost taste. Their faces sparkled with kindness and the atmosphere was full of cheer.

The French student took a bite of the cake and it was delicious, smelling of mango and pineapple. With each bite, the feelings of warmth and joy grew stronger.

The family shared stories and laughed as the night went on. Wanida felt like she was a part of them for a moment. Even though she didn’t understand all of the words, she could feel the love that surrounded them.

Photo by the Thai Family

The evening seemed to go on forever. Wanida couldn’t remember ever being so happy. She even forgot about her homesickness for a few hours.

The French girl gently thanked them all, her heart full of appreciation. She watched as they hugged and said goodbye. As she walked away to bed, the air felt like it was filled with joy, and it seemed as if the stars were twinkling brighter than ever before.

When she got home, later in the future, she probably wrote the Thai family a thank-you note and placed it in her journal as a reminder to always remember the joy that had been so freely shared with her that evening.

Photo by the Thai Family

We’ve had the pleasure of welcoming a French student into our midst, and her interactions with our students and Thai traditions have added depth to our school’s cultural tapestry.

Furthermore, the heartwarming evening Wanida spent with a gracious Thai family exemplifies the warm and welcoming spirit of our community. It’s moments like these that make our school more than just an institution; it’s a place where lifelong memories are created and cherished.

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Alex Baidun

Content Creator/Ex-Teacher/Ex-Economist/Melancholy Introvert/Bhuddist/Poet/Musician/Optimist/I write about Philosophy,Adventures,Life/Catch my drift?Subscribe💜