Embracing Growth: My Journey from Saskatchewan to Teaching in Thailand

How teaching in Thailand reshaped my life from Saskatchewan roots in Canada

Teach Abroad Pod
2 min readSep 5, 2023


Photo by the author

Leaving behind the familiar landscapes of Saskatchewan was a decision that took a lot of courage. The endless fields and open skies had been my backdrop for years, but the desire to experience a new culture and share my knowledge drove me to explore beyond my home province. The idea of teaching abroad seemed like the perfect opportunity to combine my passion for education with my thirst for adventure.

Arriving in Thailand, I was greeted by a sensory overload of colors, sounds, and aromas. The bustling streets, ornate temples, and the constant hum of life were exhilarating yet overwhelming. I quickly realized that culture shock was not just about navigating language barriers and different customs, but also about redefining my own sense of normalcy. The quiet prairies of Saskatchewan were now replaced by the energetic chaos of Thai cities.

Integration into Thai society was a journey of patience, humility, and open-mindedness. As I stepped into the role of a teacher, I was not only imparting knowledge but also learning from my students and colleagues. Thai people’s warm hospitality and genuine curiosity helped bridge the gap between my origins and my new home. Through shared experiences and mutual understanding, I slowly felt the lines between “foreigner” and “local” blur.

Embracing this new chapter in my life allowed me to witness personal growth like never before. I developed adaptability, resilience, and a heightened cultural sensitivity. Every challenge I faced — from adapting to the tropical climate to navigating local transportation — became an opportunity for self-discovery and growth. Teaching in a different educational system pushed me to think creatively, honing skills that I hadn’t even realized I possessed.

Leaving Saskatchewan and embarking on a teaching adventure in Thailand was a decision that ignited personal growth in ways I could never have imagined. The experience of acclimating to a new culture, overcoming culture shock, and integrating into Thai society has broadened my horizons and enriched my perspective. I’ve come to understand that true growth often lies beyond our comfort zones, and embracing change is the catalyst for transformation.

Photo by the author

So, to all those contemplating a similar journey, remember that stepping into the unknown is a brave act that can lead to some of the most rewarding experiences of your life. It certainly did for me.



Teach Abroad Pod

Just a small town guy living and experience the world through the lens of education, food and culture.