First Jump on Medium From Thailand — Harnessing the Power of AI

How ChatGPT and Google Translate empowered my journey of expression. The importance of caring teachers and opportunities to self-develop.

Noi Channoi☘️
9 min readJul 5, 2023


All pictures in this story were made using MidJourney

Hello, EduCreate! Hello, the world from somewhere in the village in the middle of Thailand! My name is Noi, and I’m a physical education teacher.

Initially, I had planned on sharing a story titled “From Village Girl to PE Teacher: A Journey of Education and Empowerment” on Medium. However, my conversation with ChatGPT led me to change my mind after I asked, “Hello, can you help me with my story?”

ChatGPT replied, “Of course! I’d be happy to help you with your story. Please provide me with some details about your story idea, such as the genre, setting, main characters, and any specific plot points or themes you have in mind. The more information you can give me, the better I’ll be able to assist you in writing your story.”

Then I realized that my English communication skills were not good

Even though I did really well in my studies and public speaking, I felt like my English abilities weren’t fully shown in these achievements. I spoke many times on the stage in front of my classmates and teachers but to be honest, my understanding of English was limited to the tiny vocabulary stored in my library brain.

An example of a classroom in a village school in the past.

So I put aside the thought of my writing article plan for a while, then I thought:

“No one is perfect

nothing is perfect

and that’s the beauty of life.

Start now, or never!”

As you see, I’m back here to write about how technology, including AI language models and Google Translate, has helped me improve my English and express my ideas effectively. It’s a testament to the power of technology in bridging language barriers and enabling communication.

Can you imagine how I struggled when I’d like to tell a hundred, but I could express only two, you know?

Thanks to the remarkable presence of AI language models like ChatGPT, a world of possibilities opened up for me. These intelligent systems provided me with real-time feedback, meticulously corrected my grammar, and enriched my vocabulary; I felt a surge of confidence flowing through me, empowering me to write.

It was as if AI technology breathed life into my creativity, igniting a fire within me that burned brightly with newfound inspiration, a catalyst for my imagination to soar to unimaginable heights. The once insurmountable language barriers crumbled beneath the weight of this invaluable tool.

If you were to glance at my web browsing history over the past few months, you would find it adorned with the sacred words “ChatGPT” and “Google Translate.” That’s how I learned to read other people’s thoughts through language barriers. Sometimes, translation can be highly inaccurate and miss something without any clear explanation, but it’s much better than it was in the past.

A little about the past

Cut to 25 years ago or so; I didn’t know about the internet back then. We were so poor that we didn’t even have electricity in our house at that moment.

Picture me, a little girl who was confused under a tamarind tree with the homework to write the days of the week in English. After closing the notebook and trying to remember the name of each day, my eyebrows continued to furrow together. A few moments later, my father came back from the harvest, and he began teaching me English homework.

I learned many other words besides the names of the seven days, such as saying “Good morning” or “Good evening.” My eyebrows no longer furrowed as I began to enjoy role-playing as a teacher teaching vocabulary to the clump of grass near that tamarind tree.

On days without the internet, my father was the number one storehouse of knowledge, with my small dictionary as a component.

I remember one day at school when we started learning new vocabulary. It was the name of the 12 months. But that wasn’t as exciting as when I came home to meet a German man who came with my friend’s mother. It was very interesting for me because I’d never met foreigners in real life before.

Later, the village people told me I should try talking to him. You should know that usually, in a rural society like my village, people are almost all relatives and know each other very well.

So, I finally decided to talk to him, and I was so surprised that his language was very different from what I had learned. Before the internet, I used to believe that all foreigners spoke English only. However, I soon discovered that the world is far more vast and intriguing than I previously thought.

After a few days of trying, I finally had a conversation with him. It turned out he could speak English and understood what I was saying. I noticed he was working on a laptop, which made me realize something important: we can work from anywhere, not just in a specific place.

This experience taught me two important lessons:

Firstly, it showed me the value of communication and breaking language barriers. I learned that reaching out and making an effort to connect with others can lead to unexpected connections and meaningful interactions.

Secondly, seeing the man work remotely on his laptop made me realize the power of knowledge. It made me understand that the more we know, the more opportunities we have to choose from. Having knowledge opens up doors and gives us the chance to shape our own paths.

Learn, learn, and learn!

These lessons sparked my curiosity and motivated me to seek knowledge, explore new things, embrace diversity, and never underestimate the potential that comes with understanding and opportunity. Learning the cultural roots was the starting point for understanding.

From the moment I had the conversation with the foreigner, I began going to school earlier than usual. I spent most of my free time in the library, enjoying the story and learning something new. I borrowed books from the library to read at home.

The school was the best place to heal my heart.

An example of a library in a village school in the past.

Money troubles

One day as I was about to finish my sixth grade, my mother told me I probably wouldn’t be able to go to high school anymore because we didn’t have any money. Although reading and learning from books brought me satisfaction, as people say:

It didn’t help fill my stomach…

Even though the government policy stated that children could study for free till they graduate from high school, in reality, there were still numerous expenses to be covered. But at the age of 11, I told myself I couldn’t quit school now!

What could I do then?

Like the sky hears my voice, my teacher walked up to me with a piece of paper in his hand. It was 12 sheets of A4 paper that changed my life forever.

The papers were application forms for candidates who were eligible to be interviewed for scholarships which could be given to only one student from one province. There were 76 provinces in Thailand at that moment which meant that only 76 kids could get the scholarship.

This scholarship had been running for 11 years, which was the program’s last year. The title of this scholarship translated into English would sound like “awareness of the homeland.”

I read the questions over and over again, then carefully wrote straightforward answers. Several weeks later, my teacher came and told me I would have an interview.

As you understand, very soon…

I got the scholarship!

I rejoiced and cried with happiness!

I remember how proud my grandfather was of me when he got the news that I had successfully passed my interview and had the opportunity to study further. From that moment on, I decided that one day I would also be a teacher and help other children for a better future.

So, I understand the value of any opportunity to learn and self-develop. I also understand the importance of caring teachers in our life.

Let’s get back to the present

I would like to say that technology has transformed my life, bringing about positive changes and personal growth. I have been able to improve my English writing skills and express my feelings better with the help of AI language models and tools such as ChatGPT. It can correct grammar and enhance my vocabulary, which helps me a lot on my journey of self-improvement.

I am filled with gratitude for the opportunities that technology has bestowed upon me. It has opened doors that I never thought possible, allowing me to express myself in ways I could only dream of. I am indebted to the brilliant minds behind these technological advancements, which have made it all possible.


Earlier, through sharing my short stories and reflections in Thai on Facebook, I discovered the incredible power of storytelling in building connections and cultivating empathy. It was eye-opening to see how my narratives could inspire and deeply affect others: my students in the first place.

Thanks to AI, I am now able to write in English as well!

As I weave my personal journey into the narrative, intertwining it with the influence of technology, I hope to captivate readers and ignite a sense of resonance within them. Through sharing my experiences, emotions, and insights, I aim to create an article that not only informs but also engages and inspires.

So, I encourage everyone to embrace technology as a tool for self-expression and a means to bridge cultural gaps. In today’s digital age, our voices can be heard globally, breaking through geographical boundaries. By harnessing technology, we can share our unique perspectives, break down barriers, and foster understanding among people of different cultures.

Do you remember I’m a physical education teacher?
That Was My First Jump!
On Medium!
From Thailand!

Thank you for being a part of my journey.

If you found it interesting to read about certain aspects of village life in Thailand, I would greatly appreciate your comments and feedback.

If my story resonated with you, please consider giving it a round of applause. Your support would truly make me smile.😊



Noi Channoi☘️

I'm a P.E. teacher in Thailand. Like a little seed I still need the nutrient to growth. Live and Learn and Have a nice journey.