Highlights — My Tale of Medium Mastery

My hilarious journey of decoding Highlights turned pixels into potential — a digital odyssey of humor and absurdity. Dive in to smile!

Alex Baidun


By the author using MidJourney

After discovering Medium, which was in February this year, I didn’t realize where I was at all. A forum? No, not a forum. An online newspaper? Very unlikely.

But if I managed to figure out where I was quite quickly, all the functions and principles of work looked quite different from what I was used to on Facebook.

I remember these feelings I had at the very beginning, and I want to share them as I remember them — excitement and joy. I clicked the link, and bam! My eyeballs popped out of their sockets, and I landed in this wacky, wild, and absolutely bizarre new world. How was it? It was like a social network on steroids, but with a twist of the Twilight Zone!

The website was like a Jackson Pollock painting, only with black and white blocks all over the place and sometimes green blocks.

I’ve seen crazy websites before, but this was next-level bonkers. Some of those funky blocks were calling themselves “stories” and “publications,” while others were just “trending” or “recommended.” I had no clue what was going on, like a confused kitten forced to dance ‘Gangnam Style’!

By the author using MidJourney

But wait, there’s more! The Highlights — yeah, those cryptic, green squares and rectangles — were the puzzle of the century. I scratched my head so hard that I probably lost thousands of hairs … and I probably broke my nail … or two … or three.

What do the green lines mean? What’s their purpose? No clue, friend! I tell you, this place is a wild but captivating ride.

So, I decided I was going to crack this crazy code! How? I was armed with determination and a bucket of apples (because why not?), I dived headfirst into the mind-boggling world of Highlights. It was like deciphering ancient hieroglyphs, but hey, I was up for the challenge!

Besides, if I was able to decode the Thai language, highlights would be much easier to understand, right? I think so. Bit by bit, I tamed those elusive blocks of color.

Aha! They were like my little spotlight buddies, making my favorite content stand out like a dancing lama in a chicken coop.

And the best part? These sleeping Christmas trees without branches introduced me to a treasure trove of fantastic stories and intriguing tidbits. I was like Jack Sparrow, discovering hidden gems in the vast sea of the internet!

By the author using MidJourney

Soon enough, I became a Medium Ninja! Ha-ha! It sounds hilarious — Medium Ninja! Well, I was a TV fan of Jackie Chan, let’s put it that way. I was there, clicking and highlighting like a kid in a candy store. The platform sucked me in — I was hopelessly addicted. But it was no ordinary addiction — this one came with a sense of belonging.

The deeper I delved into this digital wonderland, the more I grasped its potential for greatness. It wasn’t just some playground for procrastination — no! It was a potent force for social good! I saw how it could become a haven for learning, a gallery of shared experiences, and a web of connections that bridged hearts.

As I roamed the virtual landscape, it finally hit me like a meteor — Highlights were more than mere flashy tricks. They were the beacons guiding us to the stories that mattered, like a GPS for the heart and mind.

So, I wielded those Highlights like a virtuoso conductor, drawing attention to the tales that deserved to shine. With each click, I felt a spark of empowerment, knowing that I could amplify voices that needed to be heard.

By the author using MidJourney

My journey through Medium’s enchanted realms continued, and the magic only grew stronger. Like a wizard with a spellbook, I learned how to conjure posts that inspired, informed, and uplifted. And in this mystical realm, I uncovered a truth that shook my digital core — the platform wasn’t just pixels and code; it was a realm of potential.

So here’s to Medium, the platform that turned me from a lost kitten in a digital dance-off to a master of the black and white blocks, armed with a bucket of apples and an irrepressible sense of humor.

Cheers to Medium — where even the most bewildering experiences become a hilarious tale worth sharing!

May the Highlights keep shining, the stories keep dancing, and the digital lamas keep waltzing in chicken coops.

By the author using MidJourney

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Alex Baidun

Content Creator/Ex-Teacher/Ex-Economist/Melancholy Introvert/Bhuddist/Poet/Musician/Optimist/I write about Philosophy,Adventures,Life/Catch my drift?Subscribe💜