Homeschooling My Kids Through High School was the Best Decision I Could’ve Made

…and not for reasons you might think

Shari Keller


“Homeschooling through high school? Really? What about socialization? Transcripts? Test prep for college? Ensuring academic rigor?” — *Mina, homeschooling mom

All solvable… more easily than you would think.

Mina started homeschooling her two kids about three years ago. She did it primarily because she felt her older son was “disappearing.” He didn’t seem like himself. He was in his first year of middle school and falling in with a rough crowd. He was angry all the time. Her daughter, who is a couple of years younger, is gifted in math and was bored and frustrated at school.

Within a couple of months after starting to homeschool, she saw a change for the better and decided to keep on with it. A couple of years later her son was cheerful and well-adjusted. Her daughter was a couple of years ahead in math.

Things seemed great.

But as soon as her son turned fifteen, she worried she couldn’t homeschool her kids through high school.

Mina has a doctorate in chemistry. She is capable of teaching her kids.

Why is she worried?



Shari Keller

Educator, PhD, secular homeschooling mom. 29X boosted. Writing about education, homeschool, parenting, culture.