Lost in Translation-2: A Comedic Journey Through English Language Madness

Divine Banter: How God and His Celestial Crew Crafted the Quirky Marvel of English

Alex Baidun
5 min readMay 31, 2023


“Language is the playground of creativity, and English? Oh, English is our masterpiece!” — God, the Ultimate Linguistic Maestro

All pictures in this piece were made by the author using MidJourney.

Hey there, my friend! Guess what? I couldn’t resist the temptation to share another delightful tale about the English language. This won’t be the last of my humorous stories.

As for this story, I simply couldn’t bring myself to hit the hay without penning it down for you. So here I am, ready to embark on another whimsical adventure through the realm of English using sarcasm, irony, and other tricks of comedy! Just don’t be serious, ok? Let’s go then!🤭

Picture this: a whimsical scene straight from the realms of imagination, where God himself gathers his celestial crew for a lighthearted linguistic adventure!

You see, God has a soft spot for the English language, and he decided it needed an extra sprinkle of creativity, a touch of pizzazz, to make it even more captivating.

So, with a cheerful grin, God asked his divine gang, “Hey, remember when I was off inventing all those cool slangs? What were we up to before that?” Ah, yes, about the struggles faced by non-English speakers who had to painstakingly learn every single word, unlike their German-speaking pals who had it a bit easier. It was time to level the playing field, to inject some excitement and authenticity into the language. But how?”

One of the celestial crew had an idea: “Hey, how about we jazz things up with accents?”

“Lots and lots of accents, hah?!” the other student exclaimed with a cunning smile.

God pondered this suggestion and replied, “Hmm, not a bad idea! It’ll definitely spark some creativity. But let’s add a little twist to keep things interesting, like a spicy pepper in a hearty stew!”

Then, someone piped up, “You know what’s boring? Words spelled exactly the same way.”

“Yeah, why so boring?” someone beeped mockingly.

One of the creative students engagingly exclaimed, “Let’s mix it up a bit! We’ll have, for example, ‘toward’ and ‘towards’, ‘color’ and ‘colour’, ‘apologize’ and ‘apologise’, ‘gray and “grey’—this about colors, especially for the youngest learners😈… ”

The attentive students rightly chime in, “Oh, that’ll make learning English as a second language quite a challenge, won’t it?”

God beamed with pride, saying, “Well, yeah, but it’ll help them build resilience and prepare them for the obstacles they’ll encounter in life! Let them know I have a sense of humor, too.”

Laughter filled the air as the students shook their heads.

One eager student said pensively, “Hey, how about we make some words completely different in American and British English? In America, “chips” will be these crispy, thin potato slices that make humans’ taste buds jump for joy. But across the pond in Britain, “chips” will be chunky, thick-cut potatoes that are fried to perfection. Oh, and what Americans call “chips,” the Brits charmingly call “French fries.”

God exclaimed with enthusiasm, “That’s interesting!”

One student thoughtfully noted, “It’s like a language development party, right?”

The rest of the students erupted in giggles and applause, fully embracing the sheer audacity of their idea.

God, with a warm smile, applauded their imaginative minds, saying, “My dear learners, you’re simply brilliant! With a language like this, the world will be filled with joy and connection.”

Another student, their eyes twinkling with mischief, suggested, “How about we introduce dialects?”

“Dialects? Dialects?” The pupils began asking each other.

“Yeah! Dialects!” the student continued, “Imagine someone effortlessly mastering three or even 50 different accents just by listening. Let’s throw in a Scottish dialect🤭 that will leave everyone guessing which language they’re hearing! How great is that?Hah?”

Laughter filled the air as God and the disciples reveled in the joyful atmosphere. “And you all are incredibly clever!” God exclaimed, beaming with pride. “Listen, one of you can follow in William’s footsteps and become a witty jester, spreading laughter, say, something like Kevin Bridges or so! Many of you will go!”

A Scottish stand-up comedian, Kevin Bridges, as MidJourney sees him.

“But,” God added with a playful wink, “let’s not forget to lend a helping hand to our non-native English-speaking friends.”

“No worries!” one disciple exclaimed with a grin. “We’ll create friendly internet forums where knowledgeable English speakers can kindly explain and assist non-native speakers. But here’s the fun twist!😊”

God leaned in, eager to hear the delightful surprise.

“The English speakers,” the disciple continued beeping, a mischievous glint in their eye, “will keep coming from America, England, Australia, and New Zealand. And guess what? They’ll all offer slightly different advice, sometimes dramatically different—100% different!🤭 It’ll be like a friendly language carnival that explodes the non-natives’ brains!”

“Yeah! Yeah, great idea!” The walls of the Pantheon reverberated with laughter, harmonizing with the cheerful cheers of the disciples.

“Oh, what a delightful language we’ve woven, my kiddos!” With hearts brimming with joy, God exclaimed, “My bright students, this is what pure delight looks like!”

“Yea-a-a-ah!” The students happily yield.

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Alex Baidun

Content Creator/Ex-Teacher/Ex-Economist/Melancholy Introvert/Bhuddist/Poet/Musician/Optimist/I write about Philosophy,Adventures,Life/Catch my drift?Subscribe💜