Lost in Translation: A Comedic Journey Through English Language Madness

From Tea-Spills to Phrasal Verbs: Unraveling the Hilarious Quirks and Confusions of English

Alex Baidun
5 min readMay 24, 2023


All the pictures in this written piece were made by the author using MidJourney.

Hey there, fabulous readers! I come bearing a fresh batch of awesomeness. You know what's funny? In all my writing frenzy, I completely forgot to spill the beans on the hilarious questions I asked ChatGPT when I first started.

Picture this: I hit them with a brain-buster like, "Hey, ChatGPT! With/on/in — when talking about MidJourney? Explain your choice!" — because technically, I made my pictures On Discord With MidJourney but…maybe In MidJourney then? — ha-ha-ha.

Just thinking about it cracks me up because, let's be real, English-speaking folks must know that their use of articles and prepositions can be totally wacky sometimes. And let me tell you, as a confident non-PhD holder😇, I'm not ashamed to admit that I occasionally find myself scratching my head in utter confusion. Between battling the ChatGPT's wild hallucinations and fixing my students' boo-boos, I often question my own expertise. It's like a never-ending loop of doubts, my friend.

Oh, and don't get me started on the chat's occasional break-dance with a messed-up sequence of tenses. Seriously, they've got a mind of their own! I get it; it's all part of the program's charm and algorithmic quirkiness, but boy, does it mess with my sanity.

So, all of this chaos inspired me to cook up a comedic tale about the English language. Buckle up, folks, because I'm about to unleash my humorous observations about this wild and wacky language upon you. Get ready to laugh your socks off!

Let me tell you a hilarious tale that goes way, way back. God, being the all-knowing being that He is, noticed a little problem that had been plaguing folks for centuries. See, people from different corners of the world were having a tough time understanding each other because of their crazy jumble of languages. It was like a real-life Tower of Babel situation, I tell you!

So, God decided to gather His crew of celestial helpers and lay down the plan. He said, "Listen up, my heavenly gang! We need to come up with a language that people can learn without breaking a sweat. It's time to bring them all together. First, you come up with a language, and then we'll have a powwow and discuss it."

Now, in a mystical realm where time didn't tick away, those heavenly pupils wasted no time and blurted out their idea pronto. They suggested calling it English. God gave it a good look, but oh no! One part of the parchment was as clear as mud like the ink had gone on vacation.

So, God turned to a disciple, slyly tipped over a mug of tea onto the paper, and said, "Well, the language looks mighty fine, but it's too darn mathematical. Let's jazz it up a bit. Ah, look at that! I spilled tea on your parchment, but hold on... the letters magically appeared! Everything's crystal clear now!"

Then, one student piped up, "Hey, how about we add some idioms?" Another student chimed in, "Absolutely! "Spilled the tea" could be the first idiom. Oh, oops, I mean “spilled the beans.” Tea works, too, I guess. Who cares!"

God loved the whole shebang and let everyone share their brilliant ideas one by one. And you know what they came up with? A boatload of prepositions! They decided to throw in so many prepositions that people would have to memorize them like crazy. Talk about driving language learners bonkers! And as if that wasn't enough, they sprinkled the language with articles that would make anyone trying to understand them lose their marbles. But wait, there's more!

One student said, "Let us then make all of the prepositions that non-Natives will painstakingly learn later have no original meaning when we combine them with verbs — we'll call them Phrasal Verbs!"

The students couldn't control their laughter, rolling on the floor like a bunch of maniacs.

God grinned like a Cheshire cat but said, "Hold your horses, folks! We've got to take prepositions seriously too. Let's give them clear instructions, but with a cheeky twist."

And one of the students shouted, "Oh, oh! How about we have the preposition “on” for the internet in the future but make them think twice about it? We'll throw a bunch of apps within apps at them, and non-English speakers will scratch their noggins like crazy!"

"Finally! Let us make it the opposite of the German language — no logic in pronunciation or spelling at all. Let non-native speakers learn the pronunciation of every single word!" one student inspiredly exclaimed.

The Pantheon erupted in laughter like a barrel full of monkeys having a riot. They couldn't stop giggling!

Then God declared, "Alright, alright, you bunch have been mighty lively. When the time comes, I'll send you down to earth to sprinkle this language far and wide. You'll have a last name, like Shakespeare or something. But remember, keep a low profile and make folks question your very existence. Got it? Alrighty, then. Now, let me think about the slang..."

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Alex Baidun

Content Creator/Ex-Teacher/Ex-Economist/Melancholy Introvert/Bhuddist/Poet/Musician/Optimist/I write about Philosophy,Adventures,Life/Catch my drift?Subscribe💜