Teaching Soccer Positions with EPL — How It Was

I will give you an overview with photos of the first lesson in practice

Alex Baidun


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Welcome, fellow football enthusiasts! Today, we embark on a captivating journey exploring the art of teaching soccer positions using the EPL as our guide. In my previous article, I discussed the theoretical aspects. Now, it's time to share my practical experience and how things actually played out. Are you ready for my story? Let’s fly then!


As usual, I began the lesson with a warm greeting and checked attendance to ensure everyone was present.

By my colleague

As you can see above, I organize my notes using various colors and signs for my own ease of use. It’s like a personal diary containing crucial details about my students’ work habits, such as their diligence or laziness. Once that was done, I opened my presentation in Canva and smoothly went through the ‘e-book,’ slide by slide.

By my colleague

After introducing each new position, I would guide the students to repeat the information, pointing to each position on the TV screen with my pen for further clarity. At first, there was some expected uncertainty in their voices, especially with words like ‘Defensive Midfielder’ which proved to be a challenge. Nonetheless, my students really put in the effort to get it right then.

It’s also worth noting that the back row had experienced and respected teachers, which might have added some pressure on my students. However, I personally remained calm and composed throughout the session. I had a clear lesson structure in mind and was prepared for any potential challenges that might arise. Let me tell you how I was prepared.

By my colleague

I not only uploaded the video to YouTube but also saved it along with the presentation on my laptop. Anticipating potential TV malfunctions, I created various links to access the presentations. In case the TV didn’t cooperate, I had a backup plan in place. I would share the links with the students, enabling them to open the presentation on their phones and follow my instructions. Since the school provided free Wi-Fi for everyone, Plan B seemed reliable.

Additionally, I had a Plan C, relying on the good old-school approach with a marker and a whiteboard. I mentally prepared myself for any awkward situations or pauses that might arise, particularly when explaining technical aspects or addressing confusion between positions like LM (Left Midfielder) and LW (Left Winger).

By my colleague

In case of unclarity, I would simply take a marker and draw a football formation, clarifying the responsibilities of the Left Midfielder and the Left Winger. This hands-on approach ensured that even if there were technical hiccups, the class would still run smoothly, and the students would understand the soccer positions effectively.

At the end of my presentation was a page with position abbreviations. I was pleasantly surprised to find that about five students were able to correctly name the abbreviations for all positions.

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As time passed quickly, I changed my original plan for the lesson’s end. Instead of having the students memorize some football terminology, I asked them to draw their own dream football team on paper, including player positions and names.

I reviewed their work and randomly asked for the full names of one or two positions, such as CB — Central Back. Most students were able to reproduce the full positions’ names in English, with some needing a little assistance from me.

So I can say that this lesson was not only interesting in theory but also in practice from my point of view. I was happy about this lesson, but I will unlikely do something like this again.

I had a wonderful and valuable experience, and I’m filled with gratitude for all that life has brought my way.

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Alex Baidun

Content Creator/Ex-Teacher/Ex-Economist/Melancholy Introvert/Bhuddist/Poet/Musician/Optimist/I write about Philosophy,Adventures,Life/Catch my drift?Subscribe💜