The Untold Story of Learning in the Age of AI

Debunking the myth of obsolete memorization.

Eva Keiffenheim


Photo by Ali Abdul Rahman on Unsplash

Would you rather focus on understanding concepts or memorizing information?

The correct answer is — don’t ask me this flawed question.

Understanding concepts versus memorizing information is a false dichotomy. It is not either. One facilitates the other. There is an interconnected nature of understanding concepts and memorization in the learning process.

After my own formal schooling experience (a k12 school in Germany, a bachelor’s degree in Frankfurt, a master’s degree in Vienna, and an exchange semester in Chile), I was a key advocate for 21st-century skills. I believed in the supremacy of critical thinking, collaboration, and real-world problem-solving over memorization and recalling facts.

But over the past four years and while writing my upcoming book, I’ve gained a deeper, more nuanced understanding of memory.

While many people view memorization as a mechanical, outdated skill and advocate for focusing on understanding the big picture and reasoning, this reasoning is flawed.

After reading this article, you will understand the powerful combination of understanding concepts and memorizing information for long-term knowledge retention…



Eva Keiffenheim

Learning enthusiast, TEDx speaker, and writer with +3M views | Elevate your love for learning with my free, weekly Learn Letter: