The Vehicle Isn’t The Destination

Even if it does lead to the same place.

Mindful Teacher


Image generated by the author.

I slept in and procrastinated from my morning meditation, but sometimes, these things have to happen.

You can’t always be too rigid; otherwise, how can you expect to see the world from a different perspective? I ended up moving all my furniture around and reorganising my house, and as midday approached, I still hadn’t meditated.

As I was shuffling things around, I came across an old book called Meditation for Beginners by Jack Kornfield. Although it was time to meditate, I decided to lie down in my spare bedroom, enjoy the natural light flowing in, and read the book. Why read a beginner’s book? Retaining a Beginner’s Mind is always useful, never thinking we know it all already. Things can always be explained differently, and you can gain new insights by admitting you don’t know everything.

“Man’s greatest accomplishment is recognising his own ignorance.” — Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth

Besides, seeing how others explain to beginners is critical if you intend to teach meditation. Even if you’ve seen something explained one way before, you should always be open to seeing it taught in new ways. As a teacher, you need several tools at your disposal; different ways…

