
Will The LAUSD Take on Its Parasite Problem?

A proposed resolution would institute a policy to protect public school students on campuses co-located with charter schools under PROP-39.

Carl J. Petersen
Published in
4 min readSep 6, 2023


The co-location of charter schools, pursuant to Proposition 39, is often detrimental to District schools and the students they educate

– Proposed LAUSD resolution

The Shirley community protests in front of a CWC location (By permission of anonymous)

Since 2016, I have been covering stories of LAUSD parents who have been fighting to protect the resources at their children’s public schools from the encroachment of charter schools. These publicly funded private schools have demanded space on LAUSD facilities using Proposition 39 without concern for the students already enrolled on these campuses. Like parasites, co-locating charters have depleted the space available leaving the “host school” weakened and disadvantaged in the competition for students in an era of declining enrollment.

Individual schools have been left to fend for themselves because the School Board that is supposed to represent LAUSD students has been dominated by members loyal to the charter school…



Carl J. Petersen

Parent, special education advocate and former LAUSD School Board candidate. Still fighting for the children. www.ChangeTheLAUSD.com