Meet Guillermo!

Melissa Presti
Published in
2 min readFeb 1, 2018

Guillermo is a 23-year old from the Dominican Republic and recent graduate of Binghamton University with a degree in Systems Engineering and a minor in Computer Science.

It was only 5 years ago when Guillermo immigrated to the United States in search of a green card and an American education. He had given university a chance in the Dominican Republic but he wanted to pursue more opportunities in the States. He arrived in New York City in 2013 determined to learn English, become financially independent, and earn a college degree.

During the process of legalizing his immigration status, he didn’t have a work permit but was so committed to staying in the U.S., that he took a dishwashing job for 80 hours a week for six months while taking an intensive English course from Queens College — an achievement he is most proud of. All of his hard work and perseverance paid off when he received a full 4-year scholarship to attend Binghamton University in upstate New York.

“The process of achieving great things in life can sometimes be a little different than how you plan it…the biggest mistake one can make is to give up on a long-term goal because you are not comfortable with your present situation. Stay focused and embrace every single step of the journey, especially the ones you enjoyed the least — these are the steps you will be most proud of once you’ve achieved your long-term goal.”

Guillermo has already accepted a position with JP Morgan to start in July, and was debating what to do with the 6-month gap after his graduation when he found Edumadic. He related to a previous participant (Jesse) who also overcame a language barrier in pursuit of higher education.

He wanted to either continue his studies or travel, and didn’t realize he could do both! He also wasn’t crazy about traveling solo for the whole 6 months, so was excited to join a community of students who were looking for a similar experience.

“G” as we call him, is an inspiring force in the Edumadic group. He is proof that a positive attitude and humble outlook on life reaps some of the greatest rewards. We can’t wait to see where this new journey takes him.

You can follow him on Instagram at @guillermoherreram



Melissa Presti

Social media & editorial content for @Edumadic. Travel, music, and books fuel my energy.