3 Easy Topics Your School Should Absolutely be Tweeting About

Dan Grey
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2018

Though the use of social media is ubiquitous in today’s online world, many schools hesitate to create profiles and get involved in the social media sphere.

Twitter is a fantastic resource for schools; it offers them an online voice, a tool for self-promotion, a platform to spread news, and a channel to communicate directly with their audience.

But, whether your school is new to Twitter or has been active for years, you can sometimes find yourself wondering exactly what to say.

Read on to discover three easy topics that your school should be absolutely tweeting about.

#1 — Positive Stories from Your School

Every day, amazing things happen at your school. Hardworking teachers deliver exceptional learning experiences, ambitious pupils overcome challenges to achieve extraordinary things, and events take place that make your school an important part of the community. The challenge for your school is spreading the good news and making people aware of your fantastic work and achievements.

Twitter is the platform you need to share positivity with parents, stakeholders, and the local community. Users are following your account to receive news about the school, which affords you a readymade audience that is willing to engage. Sharing your hard work with this audience will improve your reputation and create a feel-good factor among those involved with your school.

#2 — Updates from the Local Community

Your school is an important part of the local community. As such, you should consider yourself a resource for information that is relevant to people in the area. Sharing this type of news makes your account just as valuable for community information as it is for school news and updates. Here are some examples of the community information you should share:

  • Important local news.
  • Upcoming local events.
  • Inclement weather reports.
  • The success of local sports teams.

Keeping up with these different forms of local news may sound like a challenge, but you do not always need to write unique tweets to get involved. Start by following local news profiles and retweeting choice posts while adding your own comment. This is an easy way to share news without needing to plan a unique post.

#3 — The Latest Education News

When a news story breaks that affects schools across the country — be it changes in funding, or new legislation issued by the government — it can be difficult for the public to understand what the practical impact is going to be. What’s more, many of your followers won’t have time to digest long articles about changes to the education system.

Your school could provide a valuable service by sharing the latest news with its community, explaining the position of the school, and describing in a digestible way how changes will affect parents and carers, their children, and the school as a whole.

Tweeting about these important matters demonstrates your expertise and will make your school a go-to source for insight around the latest education news.

In Conclusion: Think About Value and Engagement

Value and engagement are the two most important factors to consider when it comes to your school’s Twitter account. Followers are most likely to interact with content they find valuable, so consider how your school can help its followers using the ideas listed above. This is ultimately what will enhance your school’s reputation and broaden its online audience over time.

Need a Hand with Your School’s Social Media?

Want to do more with your school’s social media, but unsure where to begin? Send us a message and we’d be glad to help get you started.



Dan Grey
Editor for

Writing Content and Communications for Schools and Multi-Academy Trusts