Celebrate Teachers — But Help Make Their Jobs Easier

Dan Grey
Published in
2 min readOct 5, 2018

On World Teachers’ Day, people across the globe are celebrating the importance of teachers and the great work that they do. Their input develops the next generation of doctors and nurses, entrepreneurs and inventors, policewomen and firemen, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that teachers change lives.

At Eduprise, we know first-hand that teachers work extremely hard. Their days do not end when the final school bell rings; they spend their evenings marking work, planning lessons, and writing reports. However, teachers also carry out a number of other time-consuming tasks that many people do not consider.

The majority of schools do not have dedicated marketing and communications teams, which means that teachers are often tasked with creating everything from letters to parents and online class updates to fundraising notifications and advertising materials. These communications take a lot of time to plan, write, design, and distribute — time that teachers could be spending on improving their lesson plans and identifying the best way to help each pupil fulfil their potential.

There is already incredible strain placed on teachers by the pressures of their job as well as the requirement to work well into the evening, even after the toughest of school days. The added burden of producing the school’s communications further reduces their available time, and can have a detrimental effect on the quality of education they are able to deliver.

Due to their commitment to the job, and their desire to provide pupils with the best school experience possible, teachers will accept these additional jobs without hesitation. That’s why, here at Eduprise, we believe teachers are heroes. However, we also believe that there is a better way. We work closely with multi-academy trusts and their schools to deliver an all-round communication solution that ensures teachers can focus on what they do best — teaching.



Dan Grey

Writing Content and Communications for Schools and Multi-Academy Trusts