Recommended Reading for Improving School Communications

Ben Tyrer
Published in
3 min readMar 6, 2019

Today is World Book Day, also known as the International Day of the Book. Organised by the United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), World Book Day is a time to promote reading and celebrate our love of books.

As communications experts who work closely with schools, the topic of literacy is dear to the hearts of everyone on the Eduprise team. To mark today’s international celebration of all things literary, we’ve listed some of our favourite books below. We highly recommend them to anyone looking to improve their methods of working and writing!

Ryan Green — CEO & Founder

Sell with a Story by Paul Smith

“Storytelling packs the emotional punch to turn routine presentations into productive relationships. It explains products or services in ways that resonate; it connects people and creates momentum. Stories speak to the part of the brain where decisions are made. If you want people to take action, then this book will provide you with a formula to construct truthful stories so they take action with you.”

Toby Rogers — Head of Strategy

The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey

“Stephen R. Covey’s essential tome on personal development is probably the book that has influenced me more than any other. I’ve owned three or four copies over the years because I keep giving them away. If you’ve never read it, order it now. You’ll be glad you did.”

Ben Tyrer — Head of Communications

Engaging Data: Smart Strategies for School Communication by Trinette Marquis

“In her book, Engaging Data, Trinette Marquis provides a clear, enjoyable introduction to data-driven communications. She describes the importance of data in creating accountability, and in designing measurable objectives that help schools to move away from emotionally driven behaviour to taking action based on quantifiable results. Her simple approach to reporting public relations efforts are of particular interest for schools looking to improve school-community relationships.”

Dan Grey — Content Writer

Writing for Journalists (Media Skills) by Wynford Hicks

“Although it references journalists in the title, this book is a helpful resource for any writer developing or honing their style. Unlike many advisory and educational texts, Writing for Journalists offers more than just guidance; it is engaging, helpful, and informative without ever encroaching on patronising. Wynford Hicks encapsulates his knowledge as a former newspaper editor and current university lecturer and packages it in a book that any self-conscious writer should have on their shelf.”

Putting Book Smarts into Practise

There is a wealth of knowledge and expertise to be gained from reading, and our team understand that books help us to continually learn and develop our skills. Reading allows us to be innovators in the use of communication in education and help schools and trusts to build a deep-rooted connection with their staff, parents, and local community.

If you want to know how our well-read team can help your school or trust, don’t hesitate to get in touch.



Ben Tyrer
Writer for

Designing Scalable Communications Infrastructure for Multi-Academy Trusts