Top IDEs and Code Editors for Python

Wajiha Urooj
Published in
8 min readJun 4, 2019
Best IDE for Python — Edureka

Whenever we develop new things in any sector, be it housing, telecom, IT, or even gaming; we always look to bind together all the necessities into a single developing project and create an environment that satisfies all demands. An IDE or Integrated Development Environment is also one of these projects created to bind together the tasks of writing, debugging, testing, and executing the code of the software. For all Python enthusiasts, here is an article to help you select “The Best IDE for Python”.

Let’s take a quick walk through all that is summed up here for you all:

  1. What is an IDE?

2. What is an IDE?

3. Difference between IDEs and Code Editors

4. Features of an IDE

5. Top 10 Best IDEs for Python

  • PyCharm
  • Spyder
  • PyDev
  • Rodeo
  • Sublime Text
  • Wing
  • Eric Python
  • Atom
  • Thonny
  • IDLE

6. How to choose the best IDE for Python?

Let’s get started :)

What is an IDE?

IDE stands for Integrated Development Environment. It is a GUI( Graphical User Interface) where programmers write their code and produce the final products. An IDE basically unifies all essential tools required for software development and testing, which in turn helps the programmer maximize his output. Some IDEs are generic, meaning they can support a number of languages. For example, Sublime Text, Atom, Visual Studio, etc. Language-specific IDEs support a specific language. They also help you understand when you make syntax errors. Example: Pycharm for Python, Jcreator for Java, RubyMine for Ruby/Rails.

There is general confusion understanding the difference between IDEs and Code Editors. So let’s move on further to bring out the difference between them.

Difference between IDEs and Code Editors:

An IDE is a complete environment where you can write, compile, debug, or test your code. On the other hand, Code editors or text editors are platforms where you can just write your code. The only capacity a code editor should support is editing text. An IDE itself consists of a code editor within its toolkit.

Now that the difference between code editors and IDEs is clear, let us move on to see what should be the features of the Best IDE for Python.

Features of an IDE:

A general IDE should consist of the following:

Code Editor: A code editor is provided to write and manipulate the source code. Code editors can either be standalone applications or integrated into IDEs.

Syntax Highlighting: This feature is provided to mark the syntax of the base language in different colors and fonts.

Auto-completion Code: Designed to minimize time consumption, the auto-completion feature completes or suggests the programmer as to what variables, arguments, or code bits need to appear.

Debugger: A debugger is a tool that is required to test and debug the source code.

Compiler: A compiler is a component that translates the source code from one language to another. Compilers usually perform pre-processing, lexical analysis, code optimization, and code generation tasks.

Language Support: IDEs can either be language-specific or may have support in multiple languages. The choice relies on the user to single-out and embraces the IDE of his choice.

Top 10 Best IDEs for Python

Some of the best IDEs for Python are:


Developed by Czech company JetBrains, PyCharm is an IDE specific to Python. PyCharm is a cross-platform IDE. Therefore, users may download any of the Windows, Mac, or Linux versions depending on their requirements. Honestly, PyCharm is considered to be one of the best IDE for Python and justifiably the most widely used.

In addition to the common features, PyCharm provides additional features like:

  • Specialized project views allowing quick switching between files
  • Facilitates Web Development along with Django, Flask, and web2py
  • PyCharm is equipped with more than 1000 plug-ins, so programmers can write their own plug-ins to extend its features
  • It provides two versions for download, the Community version which is free, and the paid Professional version. Programmers can download the corresponding versions as per their requirements


Spyder is an open-source, cross-platform IDE developed by Pierre Raybaut in 2009. Designed mainly for data analysts and scientists, it is considered to be a powerful scientific development IDE that is written in Python.

  • Spyder is integrated with many of the scientific Python libraries namely SciPy, NumPy, Matplotlib, Pandas, etc.
  • Pertaining to its scientific use, Spyder provides advanced support for editing, analysis and data exploration
  • It also allows static code analysis wherein the analysis is performed without actually executing the code
  • The features of this IDE can be expanded further through its plug-in system and API.


Created by originally by Alex Totic in 2003, PyDev was then captained by Fabio Zadrozny as its main project head. It is basically an open-source third-party package that serves as a plug-in for Eclipse to enable it for Python development.

PyDev has many special features such as:

  • Remote Debugger (files which are not launched in Eclipse can be debugged)
  • Code folding (selectively hide or display sections of code)
  • Python 2.x and 3.x syntax


Rodeo is an open-source Python IDE developed by Yhat. Built-in particular for machine learning and data science.

  • Rodeo makes it very convenient to load data and compare data
  • It also allows data experimentation
  • It is furnished with Python tutorials to guide the users
  • Cheat sheets are provided for material reference
  • File and package search is made very handy

Sublime Text:

Sublime-Text is a cross-platform IDE developed in C++ and Python. In addition to Python, it provides support for other languages as well. The features of this IDE can be enhanced using plug-ins.

It provides various features such as:

  • “Goto Anything” feature that allows quick access to files, symbols or lines
  • Its command palette provides robust matching for keyboard invocations
  • Python-based plugin API
  • Allows simultaneous editing
  • Preferences can be made project-specific


This IDE was created by Wingware. It is a lightweight IDE designed to allow quick programming. come in three variants namely:

  • Wing Pro — paid version for professionals
  • Wing Personal — free version for students and enthusiasts
  • Wing 101 — simplified free version for beginners

Wing provides special features such as:

  • Automatic Multi-process and child process debugging
  • Remote debug process
  • Module Browser
  • Refactoring
  • Auto-completion available for non Python files as well

Eric Python:

Eric is written in Python and is free software. Its source code is available freely and can be studied and recreated by anybody.

Provides some quality features such as:

  • Format-able window layout
  • Format-able syntax-highlighting
  • Code-folding
  • Furnished with a class browser
  • Built-in support for unit testing
  • Built-in support for Django


Atom is an open-source free IDE built using web technologies. Atom is based on the Electron framework which is built by GitHub which in turn is written in CoffeeScript and Less.

Specific features of Atom include:

  • Enables support for third-party packages and themes so as to format the editor
  • Atom’s APM allows installation and management of packages
  • Provides support for a number of languages other than Python such as C, C++, Java, HTML, etc
  • Exception reporting package


Thonny is an IDE developed for beginners. It provides step-by-step assistance to the programmer.

Has many features such as:

  • Separate windows are provided to execute function calls
  • Line numbers are available for the user to keep a track of each line
  • Log of user actions is available so as to assist the user in future
  • Statement stepping without breakpoints


IDLE is written completely in Python and it comes as a default implementation along with Python. Its name is presumed to be in honor of Eric Idle who is one of the founding members of Monty Python. This IDE is considered to be extremely suitable for the education industry due to its simplicity.

IDLE also provides some remarkable features such as:

  • Availability of python shell with syntax highlighting
  • A multi-window text editor
  • Program animation or stepping (refers to executing one line of code at a time)
  • Breakpoints are available to ease debugging

Now that you have got an idea of the important IDEs for Python, let’s move ahead to choose the most suitable one for you.

How to choose the best IDE for Python?

Always keep the following points in mind while choosing the best IDE for Python:

  • Level of expertise (beginner, professional) of the programmer
  • The type of industry or sector where Python is being used
  • Ability to buy commercial versions or stick to the free ones
  • Kind of software being developed
  • Need to integrate with other languages

Once these points are decided upon, the programmer can easily select among the IDEs which have been discussed earlier based on the given features.

With this, you have reached the end of this article on the ‘best IDE for Python’. I hope it is sufficient to make you understand everything necessary.

Make sure you practice as much as possible and revert your experience.

If you wish to check out more articles on the market’s most trending technologies like Artificial Intelligence, DevOps, Ethical Hacking, then you can refer to Edureka’s official site.

Do look out for other articles in this series which will explain the various other aspects of Python and Data Science.

1. Machine Learning Classifier in Python

2. Python Scikit-Learn Cheat Sheet

3. Machine Learning Tools

4. Python Libraries For Data Science And Machine Learning

5. Chatbot In Python

6. Python Collections

7. Python Modules

8. Python developer Skills

9. OOPs Interview Questions and Answers

10. Resume For A Python Developer

11. Exploratory Data Analysis In Python

12. Snake Game With Python’s Turtle Module

13. Python Developer Salary

14. Principal Component Analysis

15. Python vs C++

16. Scrapy Tutorial

17. Python SciPy

18. Least Squares Regression Method

19. Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet

20. Python Basics

21. Python Pattern Programs

22. Generators in Python

23. Python Decorator

24. What is Socket Programming in Python

25. Mobile Applications Using Kivy In Python

26. Top 10 Best Books To Learn & Practice Python

27. Robot Framework With Python

28. Snake Game in Python using PyGame

29. Django Interview Questions and Answers

30. Top 10 Python Applications

31. Hash Tables and Hashmaps in Python

32. Python 3.8

33. Support Vector Machine

34. Python Tutorial

35. Python Spyder

Originally published at on June 4, 2019.

