Digital Marketing Career: All you Need to Know

Vaishnavi R
Published in
8 min readNov 22, 2019

With 2 million jobs forecast to be available by the beginning of 2021 in the UK alone and the increased use of the internet, there’s never been a better time to start building your career in Digital Marketing. Job scope, salary and also the demand for Digital Marketing is constantly growing. So, in order to keep you updated on the career aspect, I’ve come up with this article on Digital Marketing Career.

This blog on Career in Digital Marketing will walk you through the following topics:

  • What is Digital Marketing?
  • Top skills you should master
  • Job roles and scope
  • Payscale in India and the USA
  • Future of Digital Marketing

Let’s begin!

What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is a medium through which you can promote your product and services online. It is also referred to as advertising that is delivered through digital channels such as search engines, websites, social media, email, and mobile apps.

Internet having reached across 4.39 billion people around the globe, having a website to your business organization is a must. Digital marketing is something that makes it easier for you and your business in order to gain more traffic and also loyal customers.

Digital Marketing requires channels through which you can portray what your business stands for. There is SEO(Search Engine Optimization), PPC (Pay-per-click) and many more. Mastering how to work with the channels, you’ll be able to make a Digital Marketer.

Next up, let’s see what are the skills that you should definitely master to become a successful Digital Marketer.

Top skills you should master

Here a few skills that are a must when you talk about Digital Marketing.

  • Familiar with any of the digital marketing channels like SEO, PPC, Content, Email and Social media.
  • Data Analysis
  • Should be able to analyze the effectiveness of the efforts.
  • Know the basic operations of Excel.
  • Basic knowledge of WordPress.
  • Know the working of Google Analytics.
  • Basic design skills.
  • Sales skills.
  • Objective thinking.
  • Creative thinking.
  • Be tech-savvy.
  • Ability to adapt to any kind of environment.

These are a few notable skils that you must master to become an awesome Digital Marketer.

Job role and scope

Jobs play an important role when you want to pursue a career in a specific domain. Digital Marketing is one such domain where you can find evergreen job roles. So what exactly is the scope for jobs in this field? Is it easy to get a job or does it require something special? Let’s have a look!

Roles and responsibilities

  • Create a marketing campaign on your own and get good leads.
  • Assist in the formulation of strategies in order to build a lasting digital connection with consumers.
  • Plan and monitor the ongoing progress on social media platforms.
  • Always be actively involved in SEO.
  • Create good content that is helpful for both customers as well as the business.
  • Analyze the insights of your website using Google Analytics.
  • Help maintain a good relationship with the customers.
  • Ability to be more creative and up to date with the latest technology trends.

Now the job roles for this domain is:

Digital Marketing is for creative and passionate people. The digital marketing job field is highly result-driven and enhances your knowledge and creativity skills. There are many digital marketing job roles but I’ve noted down a few of them that will definitely help you out.

  • Digital Marketing Executive

As a Digital Marketing Executive, it is your responsibility to look into online marketing strategies for business. You should plan and execute marketing campaigns, and maintain and supply content for the website.

  • Digital Marketing Manager

The primary role of a Digital Marketing Manager is to brand your product out in the digital space. You are to develop, implement, and manage marketing campaigns that promote the products and services of your company.

  • SEO Executive

The primary role of an SEO specialist/executive is to rank a website page on the search engine result page and to increase the website’s traffic. SEO sector is thriving day by day, and SEO executive jobs will always be in demand.

  • Social Media Marketing Expert

Social media marketing experts are responsible for combining marketing and social media management to enhance the company’s social media presence, interaction with target audiences, promoting the brand’s engaging content, and expanding the opportunities for increasing the revenue.

  • Conversion Rate Optimizer

A Conversion Rate Optimizer(CRO) is responsible for the rate of a company’s conversion strategy and lead generation. You as a CRO executive, you’ll be responsible for managing, testing, and implementing conversion points in the Digital Marketing funnel.

  • SEM specialist

There is a dedicated Search Engine Marketing (SEM) specialist who is mainly into targeting the number of leads and clicks from the given marketing budget, manage bid, ad copywriting, keyword research, analysis, and test ad campaigns.

  • Content Marketing Manager

Content Marketing Manager is responsible for creating valuable content and has the desired skills to market it. Managing blogs, video marketing, marketing campaigns, ebook publications, guest blogging, email communications, sales page copywriting, and many more are taken care of by the Content Marketing Manager.

These are a few notable job roles under Digital Marketing.

Payscale in India and the USA

The Digital Marketing salary varies according to the work profile, experience, and talent. If you have all three, you’ll definitely be able to barge in the opportunity.

Digital Marketing Manager

According to, here are the graphs depicting the average salary for a Digital Marketing Manager in the US and India.

The average salary for a Digital Marketing Manager in the US is $65,488

The average salary for a Digital Marketing Manager in India is Rs.515,124

The below graph shows Pay by experience level for Digital Marketing Manager in the US and India.

Digital Marketing Manager Salary (US) — Experience Level

Digital Marketing Manager Salary (IN) — Experience Level

SEO Manager

According to, here are the graphs depicting the average salary for SEO Manager in India and the US.

The average salary for an SEO Manager in the US is $67,475.

The average salary for an SEO Manager in IND is Rs. 509,090.

Refer to the below image depicting pay by experience level for SEO Manager in the US and India.

SEO Manager Salary (US) -Experience Level

SEO Manager Salary (IN) -Experience Level

Social Media Manager

According to, here are the graphs depicting the average salary for a Social Media Manager in India and the US.

The average salary for a Social Media Manager in the US is $49,881.

The average salary for a Social Media Manager in IND is Rs.366,271

Here’s a graph depicting Pay by experience level for Social Media Manager in the US and IN.

Social Media Manager Salary (US) — Experience Level

Social Media Manager Salary (IN) — Experience Level

Content Manager

According to, here are the graphs depicting the average salary for a Social Media Manager in India and the US.

The average salary for a Content Manager is$57,734.

The average salary for a Content Manager is Rs 572,510

The below graph represents pay by experience level for Content Manager in the US and IN.

Content Manager Salary (US) — Experience Level

Content Manager Salary (IN) — Experience Level

SEM Specialist

According to, here are the graphs depicting the average salary for a Social Media Manager in India and the US.

The average salary for an SEM specialist is$47,186.

The average salary for an SEM specialist is Rs.366,634.

The below image represents Pay by experience level for an SEM specialist in the US and IN.

SEM Specialist Salary (US) — Experience Level

SEM Specialist Salary (IN) — Experience Level

Digital marketing is creating an evolved space for exciting careers that will leave you both fulfilled and well-compensated. So, grab an opportunity today and become a Digital Marketing specialist.

Future of Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing sure has a lot of advantages in recent days. But, how would you predict the future of this field? I’ve dug deep about the future of Digital Marketing and I’ve pointed out the reasons why Digital Marketing will have a great future and Digital Marketing Career will be in demand.

  • With an estimated $46 billion going towards programmatic advertising in 2019, it’s predicted that 86% of all digital display ads will be presented via automation by the end of 2020.This shift towards AI automation provides a more seamless, efficient, and accurate approach to paid media, while drastically lowering customer acquisition costs.
  • This field has evolving marketing roles. Digital transformation is no longer limited to the CIO.
  • It has a high engagement ratio. So, the conversion rate is also pretty high.
  • By 2020, 50% of the Global 2000 will see most of their business depending on their ability to create products, services, and experiences that are digitally-enhanced.

With this, we come to the end of this article on Digital Marketing Career. If you have any queries regarding this topic, please leave a comment below and we’ll get back to you.

If you wish to check out more articles on the market’s most trending technologies like Artificial Intelligence, DevOps, Ethical Hacking, then you can refer to Edureka’s official site.

Do look out for other articles in this series which will explain the various other aspects of Digital Marketing

1. What is Digital Marketing?

2.Top 75 Digital Marketing Interview Questions and Answers

Originally published at on November 22, 2019.

