Difference between SQL and MySQL : SQL vs MySQL

Swetha Ravindranath
Published in
5 min readApr 25, 2022

The top 4 databases in the world use the Structured Query Language (SQL) language. There are many databases that are based on the SQL language. In this blog, we will be talking about the difference between SQL and MySQL. Welcome to Edureka’s article on the difference between SQL and MySQL, here we’ll discuss the differences between SQL vs MySQL.

What is a Database?

A database is a collection of all the data in a software system that is saved and structured electronically. It is a technology that enables us to store any form of data in vast quantities for simple access and application.

There are many various sorts of databases, such as centralized databases that manage all of the information for institutions in one spot or cloud databases that store information on a server and can be accessed online.

What is RDBMS?

RDBMS (Relational Database Management System) is a more complex database management system that lets you organise, maintain, retrieve, and administer tabular databases. For managing enormous volumes of data, it is one of the most commonly utilised tools by data analysts or database managers.

In business data management, SQL and MySQL are two often used terminologies. While they may sound similar, they are fundamentally distinct. You must understand the differences between SQL and MySQL if you want to deal with relational databases, big data, business intelligence, or business analytics.

What is SQL?

SQL (Structured Query Language) is the standard language for operating, managing, and accessing databases. You can add, retrieve, remove, or access data in other databases by making simple modifications to the syntax. SQL is the standard language for operating a relational database management system, such as MySQL, according to the American National Standards Institute (ANSI). Microsoft owns, hosts and maintains it.

SQL may be used to create programmes that make changes to databases. SQL may also be used to construct and alter database schemas. One of SQL’s most appealing features is the ability to access numerous entries in a database with a single command.

What is MySQL?

MySQL was created by MySQL AB back in 1995. Oracle Corporation, on the other hand, currently owns and sells it. MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that performs certain functions and processes in a database using SQL commands.

C and C++ are the programming languages used to create MySQL. It runs on practically all major operating systems, including Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, and Unix-based computers. It’s also a key component of the LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP) open-source technology stack (Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP). Databases in MySQL may be accessed by several users.

Why should you use SQL?

SQL is a robust and effective tool for extracting relevant and valuable information from enormous datasets. While SQL has historically been the domain of highly skilled data analysts and programmers, it is increasingly being adopted by non-technical employees.
SQL is easier to learn than you would imagine, and the rewards greatly surpass the time commitment. If you make this investment, you’ll boost your team’s worth while also enhancing your marketability within your company and in the broader market.

Why should you use MySQL?

One of the reasons MySQL is the most popular open source database in the world is because it offers extensive support for all types of application development. Stored procedures, triggers, functions, views, cursors, ANSI-standard SQL, and other database features are all supported. Plug-in libraries are available for embedding MySQL database functionality into practically any application for embedded applications. MySQL also includes connectors and drivers (ODBC, JDBC, and others) that make MySQL a favoured data management server for a wide range of applications. MySQL provides application developers with everything they need to construct database-driven information systems, regardless of whether they’re using PHP, Perl, Java, Visual Basic, or.NET.

SQL vs. MySQL: What are the fundamental differences between SQL and MySQL?

SQL vs MySQL: Conclusion

To summarise, the SQL vs. MySQL debate is an open-ended one that does not result in a binary choice. Although SQL and MySQL have numerous differences, they may work together to meet your relational database needs. Choosing between SQL and MySQL comes down to specific requirements like security, speed, scalability, and efficiency.

If you’re interested in learning more about SQL, check out our course on SQL Essentials Training & Certification designed for working professionals and includes case studies and projects, practical hands-on workshops, mentorship with industry experts, 1-on-1 with industry mentors, 400+ hours of learning, and job assistance with top firms.

SQL vs MySQL: Frequently Asked Questions

Is MySQL the same as SQL Server?

MySQL and SQL Server are both RDBMSs, or relational database management systems. MySQL is open source and free to use, but SQL Server is a Microsoft license software.

How difficult is it to learn SQL?

SQL is a simple language to pick up. You can learn SQL in a few weeks if you understand programming and already know a few other languages. It may take longer if you’re a complete novice to programming.

Working on several projects is one of the most efficient strategies to jumpstart your SQL knowledge. Start developing a database-driven website right away. To acquire experience and learn rapidly, write code and solve challenges.

What programs use SQL and MySQL?

SQL is used by many platforms like MySQL, Oracle, and Microsoft SQL Server.
Many database-driven online programs, such as Drupal, Joomla, phpBB, and WordPress, use MySQL. Many major websites, such as Facebook, Flickr, MediaWiki, Twitter, and YouTube, utilize MySQL.

Should I learn SQL or MySQL?

To operate with any database management system, you must first master SQL, or standard query language. As a result, it is preferable to master the language first and subsequently the RDBMS foundations.

Is MySQL free to use?

Yes, MySQL is an open-source relational database management system that is free to use.

If you wish to check out more articles on the market’s most trending technologies like Artificial Intelligence, DevOps, Ethical Hacking, then you can refer to Edureka’s official site.

Do look out for other articles in this series that will explain the various other aspects of SQL.

1. SQL For Data Science

2. Top 50 Oracle Interview Questions

3.Top 65 SQL Interview Questions

Originally published at https://www.edureka.co on February 22, 2022.

