Edureka Career Guide — A Roadmap To Top Technology Jobs

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5 min readApr 22, 2019

The year 2019 is undoubtedly the year of the technology revolution. With multiple industries adopting new contemporary technologies, it is no doubt that the advancement of technology is going to happen at a fast rate. Also, as we are approaching towards the second quarter of the year 2019, it’s high-time for technology professionals to take complete charge of their career paths to bag their dream career.

But, as rosy as this may sound, it’s an accepted fact that there is a looming gap between the industry demands and the skills acquired by the professionals.

After all, it all comes to just one important question for every upskilling professional!

What am I? ……………to………….What I want to become?

Well, to help you find an answer to this question, we conducted a survey to understand the motivations of technology professionals to seek some booming job titles with high pay.

Our survey results showed that the primary motivation to seek jobs in future technologies is improving the quality of their work and projects.

Getting promoted to a better position at work and bagging a bigger paycheck are the other prominent reasons which have an influence on their desire to upgrade to in-demand technology careers.

Also, as you can see from the below image, natural progression from their current roles, fear of redundancy, influence by peers was also quoted as reasons by technology professionals to move to in-demand technologies.

Apart from this, one more question that comes on to mind is

How many people actually knew how to bag their dream job?

Well, when we asked the same question to our survey participants, a little more than 51% of them said that they don’t know how to bag their dream job, 48.6% said they do know how to bag the job they were aspiring for.

This made us realize, that every technology professional wants a lucrative and rewarding job profile in a trending technology but more than half of them do not know how to achieve it.

The third part of our survey included was professionals skill-ready for their dream job.

As you can refer from the above chart it made it clear for all of us that almost 69% percent are currently up-skilling themselves. So, it can be clearly said that the need to up-skill for jobs of the future is high enough among the IT workforce, but they are lacking a clear roadmap and learning path to the job roles of their dreams.

So, Edureka has come up with its Edureka Tech Career Guide 2019 which aims to close this skill gap by providing technology professionals customized learning paths for in-demand technologies, namely,

  • Machine Learning
  • Big Data
  • Cloud Computing
  • DevOps
  • Blockchain
  • Cybersecurity

This Technology Career Guide also seeks to answer the most frequently asked questions around technology career paths, especially those for emerging technologies while providing credible information based on Edureka’s deep expertise in these technologies.

This Edureka 2019 Tech Career Guide is a one-stop resource for technology professionals to find out:

  1. Which technical skills are worth learning?
  2. Which job titles are the most rewarding & their industry outlook?
  3. The exact career path to hot technology job roles, learning hours & resources

Up-skilling with future skills is no longer a choice and in fact, a previous skill report by Edureka stated that a tech professional needs to up-skill 15–20 times in their career to stay relevant in today’s competitive IT industry. We believe that expert-curated information such as this career guide will go a long way in helping you up-skill in a structured way.

We have spent months in creating this career guide which we hope will help millions of IT professionals achieve their dream jobs. To create this guide,

  • We dipped into the expertise of our subject-matter experts,
  • Quizzed our career counselors and
  • Pooled in our in-house knowledge and research.

To understand the career and learning needs of technology professionals better we even spoke to hundreds of IT professionals spread across the globe and asked them which job titles they aspire to land in the future, their motivation to seek these dream jobs and their skill readiness to achieve them. Around 500 technology professionals in various stages of their career answered our survey, and based on the results, these are the most-sought-after technology jobs of 2019 as chosen by technology professionals.

  1. AI / Machine Learning Engineer
  2. Data Scientist
  3. Cloud Architect
  4. Big Data Architect
  5. DevOps Engineer
  6. Blockchain Engineer
  7. Cybersecurity Engineer

So, professionals from all industries and experience levels who are feeling the need to up-skill, and expert-curated information on which technologies to master, tools to learn and the correct learning path to follow can go through the Edureka Tech Career Guide to help themselves and up-skill for their dream jobs in a structured way.

The Edureka Tech Career Guide 2019 aims to provide this information by serving as a handy guide to those technology professionals who do not know the learning path to their dream career. It also aims to provide the recommended learning path to those who have already started their learning journey and provide course correction if needed.

Check out the Edureka 2019 Tech Career Guide here.




Awanish is currently working as the Associate Vice President - Marketing, he has extensive experience in course development & content marketing.