Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet: A Beginner’s Guide to Jupyter Notebook

Sayantini Deb
Published in
5 min readSep 12, 2019
Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet — Edureka

Jupyter Notebooks are a powerful way to write and iterate on your Python code for data analysis. Jupyter Notebook is built off of IPython and the Kernel runs the computations and communicates with the Jupyter Notebook front-end interface. This Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet will help you find your way around the well-known Notebook App, a subproject of Project Jupyter.

Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet

Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application that allows you to create and share documents that contain live code, equations, visualizations and narrative text. It is used for data cleaning and transformation, numerical simulation, statistical modeling, data visualization, machine learning, and much more.

This Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet is a guide to the Toolbar and the keyboard shortcuts used in Jupyter Notebook.

Saving/Loading Notebooks

Let’s begin with the Saving or Loading of Jupyter Notebook

  1. Create new Notebook
  2. Open an existing Notebook
  3. Make a Copy of the Current Notebook
  4. Save current Notebook
  5. Rename current Notebook
  6. Save current Notebook and record Checkpoint
  7. Revert Notebook to a previous checkpoint
  8. Preview of the printed Notebook
  9. Download Notebook as-
  • IPython Notebook
  • Python
  • HTML
  • Markdown
  • PDF

10. Close Notebook & stop running scripts

Keyboard Shortcuts

The following are the most used keyboard shortcuts for a Jupyter Notebook running the Python Kernel. This list changes frequently. Check help->keyboard shortcuts in your notebook for the latest shortcuts

Edit Cells

  1. Cut the selected Cells to clipboard
  2. Copy cells from clipboard to current position
  3. Paste cells from clipboard above current cell
  4. Paste cells from clipboard below current cell
  5. Paste cells from clipboard on top of current cell
  6. Delete Cells
  7. Revert ‘Delete cells’ invocation
  8. Split up a cell from the current position
  9. Merge current cell with the one above
  10. Merge current cell with the one below
  11. Move current cell up
  12. Move current cell down

13. Adjust metadata underlying the current notebook

14. Find and replace in selected cells

15. Remove cell attachments

16. Copy attachments of current cell

17. Paste attachments of current cell

18. Insert image in selected cells

View Cells

  1. Toggle display of Jupyter logo and filename
  2. Toggle display of toolbar
  3. Toggle line numbers in cells
  4. Toggle display of cell action icons:
  • None
  • Edit metadata
  • Raw cell format
  • Slideshow
  • Attachments
  • Tags

Insert Cells

  1. Add new cell above the current one
  2. Add new cell below the current one

Execute Cells

  1. Run selected cells
  2. Run current cells down and create a new one below
  3. Run current cells down and create a new one above
  4. Run all cells
  5. Run all cells above the current cell
  6. Run all cells below the current cell
  7. Change the cell type of current cell
  8. Toggle, toggle scrolling and clear current outputs
  9. Toggle, toggle scrolling and clear all output

Magic Commands

Here are some of the commonly used Magic commands in Jupyter Notebook.

Working with Different Programming Languages

Kernels provide computation and communication with front-end interfaces like the notebooks. Installing Jupyter Notebook will automatically install the IPython kernel.

  1. Interrupt kernel
  2. Restart kernel
  3. Interrupt kernel & clear all output
  4. Restart kernel & run all cells
  5. Connect back to a remote notebook
  6. Restart kernel & run all cells
  7. Run other installed kernels


  1. Save notebook with interactive widget
  2. Clear notebook with interactive widget
  3. Download serialized state of all widget models in use
  4. Embed current widgets


  1. Walk through a UI tour
  2. List of built-in keyboard shortcuts
  3. Edit the built-in keyboard shortcuts
  4. Notebook help topics
  5. Description of markdown available in notebook
  6. Python help topics
  7. IPython help topics
  8. NumPy help topics
  9. SciPy help topics
  10. Matplotlib help topics
  11. SymPy help topics
  12. Pandas help topics
  13. About Jupyter Notebook

Download Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet for Python

Download Jupyter Notebook Cheat Sheet for Python Edureka

If you wish to check out more articles on the market’s most trending technologies like Artificial Intelligence, DevOps, Ethical Hacking, then you can refer to Edureka’s official site.

Do look out for other articles in this series which will explain the various other aspects of Deep Learning.

1. Artificial Intelligence Tutorial

2. TensorFlow Tutorial

3. Object Detection in TensorFlow

4. PyTorch Tutorial

5. Perceptron learning Algorithm

6. Neural Network Tutorial

7. What is Backpropagation?

8. Convolutional Neural Networks

9. Capsule Neural Networks

10. Recurrent Neural Networks

11. Restricted Boltzmann Machine Tutorial

12. Autoencoders Tutorial

13. PyTorch vs TensorFlow

14. Deep Learning with Python

15. Artificial Intelligence Applications

16. TensorFlow Image Classification

17. How to Become an Artificial Intelligence Engineer?

18. Q Learning

19. Apriori Algorithm

20. Markov Chains With Python

21. Artificial Intelligence Algorithms

22. Top 12 Artificial Intelligence Tools

23. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Interview Questions

Originally published at https://www.edureka.co.



Sayantini Deb

A Data Science Enthusiast and passionate blogger on Technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and TensorFlow.