3 ideas about the future of the city’s healthcare system

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3 min readJan 17, 2020

With the beginning of a new era in medicine, modern healthcare will inevitably transform and move to a new level, digitalization will change approaches to treating patients and results, the relationship between a doctor and a patient will be transformed. These questions were discussed by the participants of the plenary session “Digitalization of healthcare. New Opportunities for Doctors, Patients, and Urban Healthcare Systems” of the XVIII Healthy Moscow Assembly, the largest event in the field of medicine.

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According to Dmitry Peskov, Special Representative of the President of the Russian Federation on Digital and Technological Development, a network approach, global benchmarks, in-depth data and motivation will become key elements in the process of digital transformation of healthcare.

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Peskov believes, there are four key challenges, that can be identified, based on the analysis of the portfolio of projects in the field of digital transformation of healthcare. “The first is deep data. The purity of the data that we enter and the types of data that we collect are of fundamental importance, — said Dmitry Peskov. — The second is a network approach. This means abandoning the paradigm of the doctor-patient relationship. Thirdly, the globality of benchmarks. This is what Moscow is doing fine, and it needs to be spread. Fourth — work with motivation. Here, people prefer to die, but do not change their own diet or lifestyle. If a person wants to live, then he has enough ways to live longer and better, and they are all available”.

The possibilities of digital technologies and, in particular, medicine based on population data will fundamentally change how society will live in the near future, says Daniel Kraft, the dean of the medical faculty at the University of Singularities, the founder and head of the Exponential Medicine program.

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“Diagnostics, a set of new tools, an understanding of physiology, scanners that will become smaller and cheaper, digital doctors. Integration of new technologies, new genomes will help to bring all this together exponentially, and thus we can connect these points on the map, because in the old way it can no longer work”, explained Daniel Kraft.

He added that in the new era, machine learning and artificial intelligence must be applied. “I want to urge not to think about where we are in 2020, but to think where we will be in 2030. It depends on how we connect these points and how we can promote medicine exponentially”, he said.

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John Braunstein, Innovation Director, Boston Children’s Hospital, claims that healthcare will never be the same again. “When we talk about digital transformation, we think how to implement these tools in our organizations. And also how we can make an attempt to scale our mission so that we can, for example, provide pediatric care at the proper level”, he said.

The Healthy Moscow Assembly is taking place January 16–19 in Pavilion 75 at VDNKh. Over four days of work, over 90 discussions and expert sessions will be organized with the participation of foreign experts. More than 500 experts from the UK, Germany, Denmark, the Netherlands, Russia, the USA, Sweden, South Korea and other countries will speak at the assembly.

