Edutest Tunisia
Published in
4 min readSep 18, 2020


Top 7 Reasons to Study a Medicine Degree in 2020

1. You’ll have diverse Medical career opportunities

Often overlooked, this reason is actually one of the most convincing ones. After graduation, you have a broad range of opportunities for a future job in the field of Medicine. There are over 60 specialties you can choose from, so you’re spoilt for choice.

You can choose to work in hospitals or other healthcare facilities, research labs, or be part of the medical department in other professional fields. There are Medicine graduates who manage health care costs in economic sectors or contribute to the legal work intended to verify medical errors and defend patients’ rights.

2. Find Medicine jobs anywhere in the world

All over the world, there is a great uniformity of medical knowledge and practice. This means that by graduating from a medical school or college in Europe, you can find a job and work in any hospital in South America or anywhere else in the world. This does not apply to many other disciplines!

One thing to keep in mind is that if English isn’t widely spoken in that country, you’ll need to learn the local language. That’s essential when you communicate with patients and try to understand their symptoms and what’s causing them.

3. Alleviate people’s pain and suffering

If you’ve ever been hospitalized or visited people who were, you know that those are some of the most difficult moments in someone’s life. It’s very easy for patients to feel desperate and suffer even if the illness can be cured, or they only have to go through a minor medical intervention.

This is where a great medic or nurse can use their empathy and people skills to make a difference. It’s very important, to be honest with patients, but it’s just as important to encourage and give them hope.

4. Doctors are in high demand

The world needs more doctors. According to the Telegraph, “In 2013, the World Health Organization (WHO) projected that by 2030, low- and middle-income countries will have a deficit of 14.5 million healthcare professionals.”

The demand for healthcare professionals is also high in countries like the United States. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, employment for nurses and doctors/physicians is expected to grow between 7–12% by 2028.

5. Careers in healthcare offer high salaries and job safety

Another pertinent reason to choose a career in Medicine is the job stability you will enjoy after graduation. This reason is even more important in countries where the recession is still a problem and where young people struggle to find a job.

Salaries are much higher in well-developed countries, and you shouldn’t be surprised if you’re actually underpaid in a country with an unstable or slowly developing economy. With that in mind, here are the average salaries for some healthcare professions in the US, according to PayScale:

  • Registered Nurse (RN) — 63,300 USD/year
  • Dentist — 130,800 USD/year
  • Pediatrician — 149,300 USD/year
  • Family doctor/physician — 184,100 USD/year
  • Neurologist — 209,300 USD/year
  • Oncologist — 259,000 USD/year

6. Find new cures and medicine through medical research

Many students go into Medical studies because the human body is fascinating. Whether we are talking about information traveling at around 400 km/h along the nerves or our bodies giving off a small amount of light that our eyes cannot see, we do many amazing things without even being aware of it.

It’s easy to understand why someone would fall in love and want to discover everything there is to be known about our organs, tissues, and how we function.

7. You can study Medicine online

We know med schools can be very expensive. If you decide to study abroad, you’ll add other costs on top of your tuition fees. We’re talking about accommodation, travel tickets, living costs, and so on. When you add them up, you might discover that you’ll need a big monthly budget.

This is one of the main advantages of an online bachelor or Master's degree in Medicine. The programs are not always less expensive than traditional on-campus courses. But you remove all the other costs related to studying abroad.

