Edward on Java with Leetcode: 5. Longest Palindromic Substring

Edward Zhou
Edward on Java with Leetcode
2 min readDec 10, 2023
Photo by Andrew Palmer on Unsplash


Problem description is available at 5. Longest Palindromic Substring


I have an algorithm using DP (dynamic programming) here. But here I’m going to save some brain cells using a more straightforward way.

By palindrome definition, it should either center a char in the string or center a char and its precedent char (if they are the same), and then extend its wings from 2 different directions. That makes a perfect forloop.

Java Solution

Codes look like below.

class Solution {
public String longestPalindrome(String s) {
For each charactor, it can be the center chararactor of a palindrome
or as the right side (except the first one) of a palindrome.
String longest = "";
int len = s.length();
for (int i = 0; i < len; i++){
int wing = 0;
while(i - wing >= 0 && i + wing < len){
if (s.charAt(i - wing) != s.charAt(i + wing)) {
if (wing * 2 + 1 > longest.length())
longest = s.substring(i - wing, i + wing + 1);

if ( i == 0 ) continue;

int j = i - 1;
wing = 0;
while(j - wing >= 0 && i + wing < len){
if (s.charAt(j - wing) != s.charAt(i + wing)) {
if (wing * 2 + 2 > longest.length())0
longest = s.substring(j - wing, i + wing + 1);
return longest;

Java Knowledge

  1. Java String’s substring function.


public String substring(int begIndex, int endIndex);


  • beginIndex : the begin index, inclusive.
  • endIndex : the end index, exclusive.

2. In case of printing debug information, below code can be used.


If I want to print more than 1 integers in the same row

System.out.println(aInt + "" + bInt);

