Edwin and Buddy join forces to teach kids English

Dmitry Stavisky
Published in
2 min readMar 2, 2020

Once upon a time there was an alien robot named Buddy. He landed on Earth by accident — and he liked it. He befriended lots of young Earthlings. Yet, he wants to go back to his native planet. His friends on Earth can help him, but they need to be able to communicate. The only Earth language Buddy can speak is English, and it’s hard for him to learn more languages. So he started teaching his young friends English. Buddy became an English teacher!

Buddy has lots of friends. Some of them are just starting to learn English, while others are intermediate students. He teaches kids by playing with them. Buddy is very busy teaching 17,000 kids to speak English. Because every child is unique, every game is unique, too. Buddy builds more and more games but still can’t keep up with all his students. He started thinking that he needs help, and lots of it.

Then one day he met Edwin. Edwin is also a young English teacher, a virtual teacher. He started his career teaching students English vocabulary. Over 800,000 people in Latin America, Japan, Korea, Russia, India, and other countries improved their English by practicing with Edwin. Encouraged by this popularity, Edwin decided to help his students with English exams. He wanted to make it easier, faster, and less expensive to master these tests. He developed many shiny new tools for learning languages and turned them into two test prep courses. But students were afraid to give up the old ways of studying. Edwin had few test prep students and felt lonely.

One day, Buddy and Edwin met for lunch in Menlo Park, California and were discussing their students. Buddy asked Edwin: Where can I find more good learning tools and materials to teach my students? And Edwin asked Buddy: How can I convince more students to come to my virtual lessons? They talked and talked… and ended up deciding to work together!

First, they’ll focus on younger students. They’ll start by making Edwin’s tools work in Buddy’s learning games. Together, they’ll teach more kids and they’ll teach them faster and better.

In practical terms, this means that we are merging with the educational voice assistant company MyBuddy.ai. Here is the press release. Together we will focus on building a voice-based virtual tutor to help children practice spoken English.

You can see how Buddy works in this 1-minute demo.

Download the iOS / Android app.

Join Buddy’s Facebook group to share your feedback.

Stay tuned for more updates from Buddy and Edwin!



Dmitry Stavisky
Editor for

Note: I’m now at https://awesomeworld.substack.com . Former CEO @ Edwin and Lingualeo, VP of International @ Evernote. Long time ago — climatologist.