Are we eating Vegetables or Slow Poison?

Sanchit Aggarwal
Published in
3 min readAug 22, 2020
As they say, what we eat is what we become!

Consumption of fruits and vegetables has been propagated for ages for a balanced diet and healthy life as they contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals. They serve our bodies in ways unknown to a common man. They aid the creation and repair of cells in our bodies. But, the content of vegetables has been changed in the contemporary world, by humans.

We will tell you how!

According to a report by the FDA, almost 62% of vegetables and 82% of fruits are found to have pesticide residues, which can affect your health in ways you can never imagine. Consumption of vegetables with high levels of pesticides causes diseases such as kidney and lung ailments, skin and hair problems, food poisoning, and even cancer.

On top of it, the vegetables are further adulterated using chemicals to enhance their appearance and taste. Green vegetables are mostly adulterated with Malachite Green, a chemical dye used to make them look fresh green. Malachite green is carcinogenic in nature. The need to color these vegetables arises due to the use of polluted water for irrigation, which brings down the color and freshness of the vegetables.

Can you identify which radish is adulterated? Drop your answer in the comment section.

So! you are eating chemicals every day, where do you think it will take you?

Doctor? Yes, of course!

The situation is grim, but we promise to help you get out of it by making healthy vegetables available at your doorstep.

Eekam Farms

At Eekam Farms, we promise and promote “Zeher Mukt Kheti”. Vegetables at our farms are grown with love and without the use of chemicals to promote a healthy life. These vegetables would actually give what they are meant for, vitamins and minerals, and definitely no chemicals!

Our vegetables and our customer’s recipe make a healthy delight.

Looking for a Proof?

  1. You can visit our farms. They are just 50 KMs from Delhi. Want to visit? Drop a comment and we will reach out to you.
  2. Order now and taste our vegetables. Want to order? Whatsapp at 9599914113
  3. Do a Malachite Green Test for our green vegetables. Take some cotton and soak it in water. Rub the cotton on the vegetable. If the vegetable has Malachite green, the cotton would turn green.

We are sure, our vegetables would pass both the chemical and taste test!

We are currently doing doorstep deliveries in Delhi/NCR. We also offer monthly and quarterly subscriptions.

In our coming winter cycle, we would be delivering vegetables like Potato, Tomato, Onion, Spinach, Lettuce, Beetroot, Radish, Carrot, Cauliflower, Cabbage, Bottle Gourd, Ridged Gourd, Broccoli, Cucumber, Capsicum, and many more.

We would also be delivering cereals like Black, Red and Basmati rice, Black and Bansi Wheat, and Mustard Oil.

We are accepting memberships for our coming winter cycle.

Don’t Be Late! Order Now. Whatsapp at 9599914113

To know more about our products and membership plans, Whatsapp us at 9599914113 and our representative will get in touch with you.

Visit for more details.

Read more…

The Success story of our Yellow Watermelons and Superfood Excelling over White Rice is getting ready in our fields!

About the Author

Drishti Tayal is a postgraduate in economics, a passionate content creator, and an expert in Customer Experience Strategy. You can find more of her writings at throughmydrishti.

