Reflection on Module 6 — Growth Engine, Success and Failures of a Startup

EEM — UCT GSB short course
2 min readMar 18, 2016

This has been such an exciting course, I cannot believe that it is already the reflection time on the last module.

The module works around the development of a growth engine (which in itself could cover 3–4 modules as it is one of the critical part of the entire Startup process). As per Paul Graham, the sole purpose of a Startup is to grow, I think we must add the fact that Startup has to grow at a phenomenal rate for it to be successful.

I could never get enough on the focus and sharing of information around Startup growth and do really hope that this part get expanded to include more direct, practical aspects of growth.

Moreover, the module also look into the reason for success and failure of Startup, and having to do an interesting activity to advice a Startup founder about potential risks that can lead to failure.

The biggest learning I have through an activity, was to choose to study and evaluate the Startup funding and ecosystem in South Korea, rather than naturally looking at South Africa or Africa as we often do. What I realized is the immense difference between the relatively more advanced (and much bigger) emerging markets in Asia, and their contribution to funding Startup, as compared to Africa. There will probably still be another decade or two before the African startup scene can really expand. And I do take my hat off for any successful entrepreneurs starting in Africa, as they have to probably work 5 times harder than those in countries with excellent ecosystems.

At this stage of the course, I believe that we were prepared for well prepared thinking around Startup, especially Startup in emerging markets. It has been a very interesting course in general, and I hope it does lead to another longer, more involved course to continuously add participants who will be able to improve and uplift the Startup ecosystem in South Africa.

