Getting Started with eesee: The Ultimate Win-Win NFT Marketplace

Dive into the only NFT Marketplace that Guarantees Accelerated Sales and Unbeatable Value
5 min readJun 15, 2023


NFT trading has become a hassle recently. As of early 2023, NFT trading is experiencing several significant challenges. Firstly, the lack of a standardized valuation framework is causing market volatility and uncertainty for both buyers and sellers. Unlike traditional assets, NFTs often do not have a clear basis for their valuation, which can lead to bubbles and significant price fluctuations. Liquidity is another crucial challenge facing the NFT market. Unlike cryptocurrencies or traditional financial assets, NFTs are unique and non-interchangeable, which makes their market far less liquid. If an NFT owner wants to sell, they have to find a buyer who is interested in that specific NFT, and this might not be easy, especially in a volatile market.

The value of an NFT can be highly subjective and influenced by trends, hype, and the reputation of the artist or creator. As a result, it might take time to sell an NFT, and the sale price might be significantly lower than the purchase price. Basically, it’s almost impossible to get your money’s worth for your high-level NFT, as most platforms lack liquidity, and the average collector will have to break the bank to get his hands on it.

An improvement is desperately needed. And we’ve been working non-stop to create the solution.

eesee is here to save the day. Our platform is designed to improve NFT trading for both buyers and sellers. Not all heroes wear capes, some of them look like a group of nerds working tirelessly behind a computer.

What is eesee?

NFT trading is becoming eesee! To put it plainly, eesee refines the NFT trading process by introducing a win-win model in its marketplace design with buyers and sellers in mind. Sellers sell their crypto assets fast, easy, and at full price, while buyers buy whole digital assets for a fraction of their value.

How does this model work?

As a seller looking to sell a high-value digital asset, you simply enter the platform and set three variables for your asset:

  1. Total Price — The exact amount you want your asset to be sold for.
  2. Number of Tickets — Number of participants allowed to bid for your asset.
  3. Amount per Ticket — Price of each ticket participants pay to enter the collective ticketed market for the specific NFT.

As a Buyer, you simply pay for a ticket and secure your spot to potentially bag this highlevel NFT at a pocket-friendly rate.

After ticket sales accumulate the total asset value set by the seller, Chainlink VRF impartially chooses the new owner of the digital asset on-chain. The seller gets the total asset worth, one participant becomes the new owner of the asset, and other contributors receive rewards.

The eesee way to get your NFT sold fast and a fun way to get your hands on high-value assets that don’t break the bank.

Seller benefits on eesee

Accelerate Your NFT Sales

eesee’s innovative ticketed sales system is designed to help you sell your digital assets faster than ever before. By offering buyers the chance to purchase whole digital assets at a fraction of their value, we’ll create a buzz around your NFTs and attract a wider audience.

Sell Your Digital Assets at Full Price

No more compromising on the value of your digital assets. Our platform ensures that you receive the full price for your NFTs, while still offering buyers an unbeatable deal. This unique approach to NFT sales means you can enjoy the best of both worlds: rapid sales and maximum revenue.

Increase Demand for Your NFTs

Our ticketed sales system generates excitement and anticipation among buyers, driving up demand for your digital assets. As more people discover the incredible value on offer, word will spread, and your NFTs will become the talk of the town. With eesee, you can harness the power of FOMO to create a buzz around your NFTs and attract a loyal following of potential buyers.

Forget the NFT Liquidity Issue

One of the biggest challenges facing NFT holders is liquidity. With eesee, you can put those concerns to rest. Our platform is designed to keep your NFTs moving, ensuring a steady flow of sales and a constant stream of revenue. No more waiting around for the right buyer to come along — with Eesee, your NFTs will be snapped up in no time.

Buyer benefits on eesee

Let’s explore the incredible benefits of eesee and how it can turn you into a savvy NFT collector in no time.

Buy Whole NFTs for a Fraction of the Price

Our innovative ticketed sales system allows you to purchase entire digital assets without breaking the bank. By participating in ticketed sales, you can acquire high-value NFTs at a fraction of their original price, making it easier than ever to build an impressive collection.

Enter the NFT Market at a Low Cost

We’re designed to make the NFT market accessible to everyone, regardless of their budget. With its low-cost entry point, you can start exploring the fascinating world of NFTs without worrying about hefty upfront investments. Let us be your gateway to the exciting realm of digital art, gaming assets, and collectibles, all at an affordable price.

Start NFT Trading Easily

Navigating the NFT market can be daunting, but eesee’s user-friendly platform makes it a breeze. With its intuitive interface and seamless trading process, you can quickly buy, sell, and trade NFTs with ease. Whether you’re a seasoned collector or a newcomer to the scene, eesee’s platform empowers you to make confident trading decisions and grow your digital portfolio.

Earn More with a Reward System

The platform goes beyond just buying and selling NFTs — it also offers a unique reward system that allows you to earn eesee tokens as you continue to explore the marketplace. By participating in ticketed sales and engaging with the platform, you can accumulate rewards that can be used for future purchases or even converted into cash. Your NFT journey becomes even more rewarding and enjoyable with eesee.

Dive into the adrenaline-charged world of eesee, the dynamic NFT marketplace that supercharges sales and redefines affordable digital asset acquisition. With our revolutionary ticketed sales system, eesee empowers sellers to skyrocket their revenues and buyers to nab entire digital assets at unbeatable bargains. eesee, your passport to a thrilling, win-win NFT journey!

Don’t miss out on the opportunity to join the eesee revolution — sign up today and discover the future of NFT sales.

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Get blue chip NFTs for just a fraction of the cost. Sell NFTs quickly at full value. Stay tuned ⚡️