Week 4

Eesti Disainimeeskond
EDM blogi
Published in
2 min readSep 23, 2016

The service team compiled the first functional prototype. The message team mapped all the information that had been gathered so far and determined the next actions. Daniel Vaarik arrived to help out the team.

First iterations of the Estonian typeface.
Photo from the conference “Estonia AND the Nordic countries — Estonia AS a Nordic country”.

Important meetings

  • August 22. Entrepreneurship and Export Centre of EAS. How to introduce Estonia elsewhere? Which sectors set an example to others? What kind of export expectations and problems do entrepreneurs have? What other solutions are necessary?
  • August 23. Conference “Estonia AND the Nordic countries — Estonia AS a Nordic country”. Discussion about matters concerning identity and values in the Estonian society, while focusing on a widely-treated question — is Estonia a Nordic country?
  • August 26. Foreign Investment Centre of EAS. Who are the largest foreign enterprises, where do they come from and in which sectors do they operate? How can we attract more of them and what are the biggest challenges in this?

